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January 05, 2009

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BuckTracker: Christmas Swag

If Santa isn’t a deer hunter he at least gets what we do. In each of the last few seasons the Jolly One has jammed a tree stand in my stocking. This year? Climbing sticks, an antler mounting kit, and even some camo seat covers for my truck. Guess I was good ‘nuff the past year!

Of course, if Santa really wanted to treat me right, he could send a buck like this past my stand someday. This 23-point buck was shot by 20-year old hunter Brandon Green near his home in Mt. Jackson, Virginia. The monster non-typical grossed over 208" B&C. Congrats to Brandon!
24pt Virginia Kill field pic
So how ‘bout you guys and gals? Get any great deer hunting gifts this year? I’d love to hear about ‘em!


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great looking buck! http://www.huntohio.net


The buck grossed 208 but it was green and unofficial

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