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December 23, 2008

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BuckTracker: Another Mystery Buck

Well asking for help solved the mystery of a great Kansas buck last week, so I’m back with my hands out once again. I know nothing about this deer other than it is one gorgeous whitetail. The only email heading I could track down was titled “LaPryor deer.” Is LaPryor the hunter’s name? A town or region? The name of a ranch?
I’ll take a stab at this being a Texas buck, mainly because the body and neck on this buck aren’t particularly huge and Northern-looking. Also, the cape and hair are sleek and short, which means the buck was shot either a) early in the season or b) in a region where whitetails don’t need thick hair for fall/winter survival. So if anyone can get me more specific than this, I’d be grateful

Regardless of the buck’s origin, he is a monster; great beam length, tremendous tines (especially those G-2’s…WOW!), and very nice mass. Perhaps whoever steps forward with the buck’s (and hunter’s) identity could also provide a score?


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John D

High fence. $36,000.

Just guessing!

Brett Becker

La Pryor is a town in South Texas very near "The Golden Triangle" for trophy bucks. This buck will surely be entered very soon in some of the South Texas trophy contests such as "Muy Grande" and "Los Cazadores."


I found this on a Texas Blog Site,

"Know the guy that guided the hunter to the buck. Actually,the guy in the pic is the guide. He's from here in Comfort. I think he told me that it scorded 193.

Hunter was from Dallas or Houston, can't remember. I think the ranch wants to fly under the radar but is about 12K acres high fenced and yes near La Pryor. Had him patterned and then the buck went off the pattern but they found him 3or 4 days into the hunt. Great deer"



Good looking buck.

jose from texas

nice texas buck


Great buck, yes or no? Yes if it was a fair chase kill and of coarse NO if it was shot in a high fence farm. I guess people with money can kill a gaint and make people think that they're true hunters. I wouldn't admit to killing this animal either! Was it tied to a tree as well. The guy probably fed it grains from his hand right before claiming it.


what side of the fence would you like to be on? simple as that!!!


On the outside, I beleive in fair chase! A true hunter that doesn't need a fenced in farm in order to shot a trophy. i would rather be proud of a trophy that I worked for. Something that I can put on my wall and in the record book. Think about it and yes it is as simple as that!!!

justin d

This is a nice buck regardless. But I do agree with Randy. The degree of appreciation for it and the hunter would be greatly lessened by it being killed in a fenced in farm.


if ti was shot in side a fence, you just as well cut the antlers of and use them for rattleing,(it's a nice buck but in a fence, come on thats not real hunting no matter how many acers)

Dave Buchanan

I hunt on Beaver Island (Lake Michigan) it has 11.5k acres, which is less than the ranch this deer was taken on. If I shoot a big one on the island does that mean it wasnt fair chase. I dont think so.


Nope Dave your good to go


Dave if you can't realize the difference then I don't know what to tell you. Its a huge difference, those deer you hunt are "FREE", the fenced in farm deer are pets!


I hunt in Pa where thee are no fences or island and yes I would like one like this for my wall but I will continue to do it the hard way on my own and no guide


High fence or low in texas it dosen't really matter, the deer hear the feeder go off and come running. They're just cows with different horns. and yes I have hunted there but for hogs.

Britton Haldeman

Nice deer! I live and hunt in TX. Yes many ranches have their deer trained to the sound of a feeder. However, that doesn't mean that every deer comes into the feeder every time. I have a nice 10 point on my game camera at my feeder and have never seen him in the flesh. I wouldn't shoot him this year anyway. Game camera has only gotten him at the feeder once in 4 months. Granted it's not a high fenced ranch. High fences have taken over much of South Texas. Unfortunately the mighty dollar rules and people have found that some are willing to pay big bucks for well.. Big Bucks. I think that there are two basic scenarios. You've got the ranch that has a guide who has the buck patterned and knows pretty much exactly where they are at any time of the day. The success of a hunter on this type of ranch is very good. There are some hunters that will go to a high fenced ranch and choose to truly hunt and may come up empty handed. I would rather spot and stalk than hunt a feeder any day. Happy New Year everyone.


You can't compare hunting an island with hunting a high fence farm...In case you didn't know deer can swim, quite well I might add. They have been know to swim Long Island Sound and fisherman I personally know have seen them on their way to Block Island. Island hunting is fair chase hunting.

Matt Z.

Looks like the Jordan buck's got a big brother. The mass is similar, but wider. The first ebams are cured, too. I'll bet it scores well over 200 P&Y.


Well over 200, not bad for a pet! 200 inches would be like what 25K or so? Don't disrespect the jordan buck by comparing it to a a caged animal.


High fence or not that is a beautiful whitetail!


Those G2s are incredible! Great Buck!


The Zoo has great animals too! Hunt them when they're free!


i would like to know if you could really call it fenced in on 12.000 acres does any body know just how big that really is that is 20 square miles,i dont belive in fenced in hunts either ,but that is a lot of room to run,,i can hunt a square mile ,and its hard to get a nice buck on that and if it had 19 more square miles around it,,,well just think about it


Why hasn’t this deer should up at any local contests?

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