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New Deer Research: A Camo Revolution?
From The New York Times:
[T]hanks to decades of research into ungulate vision combined with the latest in military concealment technology, hunters can don a computer-generated camouflage with fractal designs that look nothing like a shrub or a tree, at least not to the human eye. Named Optifade, it’s being introduced this fall by W.L. Gore (the makers of the breathable Gore-Tex rain gear) and promoted as the first camouflage scientifically designed to make hunters invisible to deer. . . .
“A camouflage that makes a person look like a tree can work if you’re in a place where other trees look like that,” Dr. [Jay] Neitz says. “But what if you’re somewhere else, or if the deer sees you move? This new camouflage is a totally different approach. It fools the deer’s vision system at its roots, so that it doesn’t recognize the person as anything.”
Sounds to good to be true. Let me see the price tag.
Posted by: I'm in school right now | September 25, 2008 at 12:33 PM
If it works you can bet some game depts. will not allow it.
Posted by: Jim in Mo. | September 25, 2008 at 04:30 PM
More hype...what did we do 100+ years ago in camo/concealment? It may work for some...
Posted by: Josh in Ohio | September 25, 2008 at 05:41 PM
Always amazes me how some animals (elk come to mind) totally disappear in the woods. Don't see them until they move. Same with game birds, like the woodcock. It's their eyes that look out of place while they are just sitting still. Amuses me when people are filming deer. No one is moving but that deer looks right at the camera. That lens must look like one gigantic eyeball. One thing I do appreciate is the move away from black in some camo patterns. Here's a video of the Optifade:
Might be good ... but, just the other day, I stood still 10 feet into an open field wearing blue jeans and a bright blue shirt. Three deer came out of the woods to play. One looked at me for a few seconds, figured I wasn't a threat and played tag with the others. Didn't get startled until I walked away.
Posted by: | September 26, 2008 at 11:43 AM
This is a better link to check out the Gore Optifade straight from their site:
Posted by: Sue B | September 26, 2008 at 12:20 PM
It really doesn't matter what the camoo looks like on a person, as long as people Drink, smoke and eat , gas their vehicles and walk through who knows what the camo isn't going to matter. Its the individual that makes the camo, the so called pro's on TV get busted all the time on camera so this is hype and another way for someone to try to convience the hunters to part with their money if they want to kill a deer. It comes down to staying clean and doing what the is natural by keeping your clothes fresh with a little Scent Away is the best way to take a great deer!
Posted by: greg | September 28, 2008 at 03:17 PM
My dad hunts in a bright orange sweatshirt and jeans. He smokes cigarrettes in his stand and doesn't use scent blocker.....
Yet. He is as quiet as a ghost and deathly still. I've never seen anything like it and he shoots more deer than anyone I know.
I've seen other guys with $900 of camo on and scent lock etc. that bumble around the woods and never see a thing. If the deer sees you its too late anyway.
Posted by: rc | September 29, 2008 at 03:28 PM
The outtakes at the end of the Optifade Episode III are tooooo funny. Looks like giant ruffed grouse feathers. I believe rc: just about any camo is OK, just don't friggin' move! I took the time to learn to sit still for 15 minutes, still feels like 3 weeks.
Posted by: Brian T | September 30, 2008 at 08:48 PM
Another marketing ploy. I launch them myself, and would have to say this is a good one. Warm up them charge cards.
Posted by: John D | October 03, 2008 at 09:55 PM