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September 22, 2008

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BuckTracker: Picture Perfect

You don’t have to be a professional photographer to shoot a great harvest picture. Heck, you don’t even need a great big deer to make a picture pop. All you need is a nice setting (not your garage or the back of a bloody pickup), a willing shutterbug, and a little extra time. The effort is worth it. Taking a nice field photo can honor the deer better than taxidermy, and it makes for memories you can’t re-create.


Here are a few hints. Wear your hunting clothes. Find a spot that reflects the area you killed the deer. Clean the animal up if it’s bloody (a towel soaked in water does the trick) and, if possible, drag it to a small hump or ridge so the photographer can get slightly lower than the hunter and the deer. Shoot the rack from several angles to capture the buck’s best side. Smile if you can (or at least don’t scowl like a macho man acting like he does this every day and needs to get back to kickin’ butt and takin’ names).


The photos featured in this post are from my friend Ross Greden, who is a hard-working dairy farmer and family man that squeezes in bowhunting into the little time he has. Last week he shot his biggest buck to date, and made the effort to shoot some great field photos. These are great examples of what I'm talking about. Enjoy!

Oh, and please send us yours when you take ‘em!


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Great Tip, & I cantell you that
the folks here at Ft Benning take special care not to Post Photo's in their Weekly Paper or
website so as not to offend anyone , a good field Photo is a
tru memory to Cherish!

in Ga

Jim in Mo.

One more piece of advice: Show some respect. Don't act like your kissing, tonguing, humping, etc. the deer. I've walked away and told the fool to take his own pics and stay away from me.


might also suggest, if practical, to take off the required blaze orange. it seldom meters well on the camera, and the orange blob detracts from the overall photo.


These are nice pics of a really pretty buck. The walking-up-on-your-trophy shot always seems a bit contrived to me (because it is). But nice pics nonetheless.

I'm in school right now

Good move hunting in october before the woods are full of hunters and hunting pressure. By the size of that buck i'm sure he was chasing some doe and had no idea of anything else. Nice buck.



Great Mass and grat deer

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