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BuckTracker: Opener Eve
Tomorrow is the Minnesota archery deer season opener. Naturally, I’m excited….but not for the reasons you might suspect. Sure I want to get a deer, and I hope I do. But I have 100 days to pull that off, so I’m in no hurry. I also realized long ago that tagging a buck is only a tiny part of why I adore bowhunting.
Mostly, I love the process and the pursuit. Reading deer sign and hanging stands. Interpreting dozens of little clues that lead—I hope—to the perfect spot to ambush a buck. I used to do a lot of trapping, and I’ve come to realize that there’s little difference between a great stand site and a perfect trap setup. Trappers have to know their animals well enough to guess where a fox (or coon, or mink, or..) will place his foot in order to be successful. Bowhunters need similar precision, given the larger range of their quarry. If a buck’s home range is a square mile, which 25-yard circle do you choose to wait for him? It’s a chess match that can take 100 days to win…or not.
The other thing I love is the phone call. I’ll start getting it now. From a friend who’s had an awesome hunt and wants to share with me. He might need help tracking or dragging. May simply want to share a tale of a buck sighting, or that he saw a coyote, or watched a hawk strafe a flock of turkeys. I don’t care when these calls come, or how long it takes to hear them out. I’ve got enthusiasm to last 100 days…and it all starts tomorrow!
I know the feeling. Nebraska's opener was yesterday, and by 8am I had a nice doe. Now that that's out of the way I can move on to a more masculine cervid.
Posted by: Huskerborn | September 16, 2008 at 06:47 PM
We don't start hunting for a few weeks here in Michigan, but I agree with you. the chance to get in the woods is incredible, and I also love hearing other people's stories. I am constantly asking people how their season is going, and to tell me a buck story.A lot of times, talking to a kid about his or her experience is the highlight of my day. Godd luck to everybody, and have fun out there.
Posted by: palmer | September 17, 2008 at 06:12 AM
Best of luck to you this year Scott!
Looking forward to making a "call"...
Posted by: GHOST | September 17, 2008 at 08:45 AM
I agree with everybody there is nothing like hearing the crunch, crunch of a deer making his way to your stand, or going out on frosty night to help a buddy recover a deer
Posted by: Jeff from Wi | September 29, 2008 at 11:29 AM
I agree with everybody there is nothing like hearing the crunch, crunch of a deer making his way to your stand, or going out on frosty night to help a buddy recover a deer
Posted by: Jeff from Wi | September 29, 2008 at 11:29 AM