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September 16, 2008

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BuckTracker: Opener Eve

Tomorrow is the Minnesota archery deer season opener. Naturally, I’m excited….but not for the reasons you might suspect. Sure I want to get a deer, and I hope I do. But I have 100 days to pull that off, so I’m in no hurry. I also realized long ago that tagging a buck is only a tiny part of why I adore bowhunting.

Mostly, I love the process and the pursuit. Reading deer sign and hanging stands. Interpreting dozens of little clues that lead—I hope—to the perfect spot to ambush a buck. I used to do a lot of trapping, and I’ve come to realize that there’s little difference between a great stand site and a perfect trap setup. Trappers have to know their animals well enough to guess where a fox (or coon, or mink, or..) will place his foot in order to be successful. Bowhunters need similar precision, given the larger range of their quarry. If a buck’s home range is a square mile, which 25-yard circle do you choose to wait for him? It’s a chess match that can take 100 days to win…or not.

The other thing I love is the phone call. I’ll start getting it now. From a friend who’s had an awesome hunt and wants to share with me. He might need help tracking or dragging. May simply want to share a tale of a buck sighting, or that he saw a coyote, or watched a hawk strafe a flock of turkeys. I don’t care when these calls come, or how long it takes to hear them out. I’ve got enthusiasm to last 100 days…and it all starts tomorrow! 


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I know the feeling. Nebraska's opener was yesterday, and by 8am I had a nice doe. Now that that's out of the way I can move on to a more masculine cervid.


We don't start hunting for a few weeks here in Michigan, but I agree with you. the chance to get in the woods is incredible, and I also love hearing other people's stories. I am constantly asking people how their season is going, and to tell me a buck story.A lot of times, talking to a kid about his or her experience is the highlight of my day. Godd luck to everybody, and have fun out there.


Best of luck to you this year Scott!

Looking forward to making a "call"...

Jeff from Wi

I agree with everybody there is nothing like hearing the crunch, crunch of a deer making his way to your stand, or going out on frosty night to help a buddy recover a deer

Jeff from Wi

I agree with everybody there is nothing like hearing the crunch, crunch of a deer making his way to your stand, or going out on frosty night to help a buddy recover a deer

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