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April 24, 2008

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Father's Day Photo Contest

If you’d like an autographed copy of Bill Heavey’s book If You Didn't Bring Jerky, What Did I Just Eat? to give your dad on Father’s Day, use the form below to send us a photo of him--or the two of you together--hunting, fishing, or just enjoying the outdoors. We’ll pick our five favorites and send one signed book to each of the winners.
When you fill out the form, please include your name, email address, and a short description of what's taking place in the photo. And note this deadline: we're only accepting entries until May 30th, to make sure you receive your copy by June 15th.
Thanks for participating, and good luck!
--The Editors
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Sue B

I tried to enter a photo, but the form didn't work for me. Is anyone else having problems?

The Eds

Sorry everyone. The submit form is now working.

Tattoo Contest

Send us a photo of your deer tattoo. Our pick wins this Leatherman, worth $80!

Name: Email Address: Attach photo here:
Tell us why you got this tattoo!

100 Top Public Lands
Field & Stream reporter Steven Hill spent two months interviewing state game agency officials, deer biologists, and whitetail experts to identify the absolute best public whitetail hunting grounds in the nation.

Choose a state below:

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