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January 02, 2009

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Week in Review: Best of the Boards

Get your new year started right – by checking out this week’s Best of the Boards. We’ve got surfers on enormous waves, killer whales crushing canoes, battling bucks and giant salamanders. You won’t (and shouldn’t) believe some of these photos and videos from around the message board world.

Video: Killer whale crushing canoe isn't real (scroll down to find out why) (stripersonline.com)
Topic: Driver runs elk off cliff (monstermuleys.com)
Video: Bucks battle to the death (msbowman.com)
Video: Dolphin Stampede! (2coolfishing.net)
Pics: Enormous Iowa Buck (huntingforums.com)
Video: Biggest wave ever surfed? (stripersonline.com)
Pics: World record elk? (biggamehunt.net)
Pics: 10-foot salamanders? (jessehunting.com)
Topic: Bluegills as striper bait? (bassbarn.com)
Topic: Same fish twice in one day? (salmoncrazy.com)


Evan V

The last 2 links both go to bassbarn. Even though it says salmoncrazy, clicking it takes me to the bluegill as bait topic at bass barn.

Alex Pernice the 13 year old fly rod winner


Matt Zicafoose

That Elk needed shot. He probably spent most of his day holding his horns above his head.


I fixed the last link, check it out

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