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January 06, 2009

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Video Report: Impatient Motorist Causes 6 Utah Elk To Leap To Their Deaths

From ABC4 News:

“The car in front of us slowed down,” recalled [witness Marchelle] Elmer, “we slowed down. . . .” Then trouble comes around the bend. “This Land Rover came flying past us and started pushing the elk down [the highway]. . . .

Most of the elk ran down the road.  Six. . .  [jumped] over the railing. . . plunging down onto the lanes below.  Those six died.



land rover A**hole.


Probably late to a PETA meeting.

Walt Smith

So what did they do with the elk? Did they let them rot or did they deliver them to a food pantry??


I read that the elk meat was donated to charity in Salt Lake by the Fish and Game.


At least one bright side is that there were not bulls that died. Not that bright of a side but somewhat brighter.


It's really too bad people like that are allowed to drive around nature, they should stick to city driving.


Late to a PETA meeting? I don't get it. I dont think PETA runs animals off the road.


PETA might as well run wildlife off the road -- they euthanize 90% of the animals they take in! Just google it. PETA is the "Planned Parenthood" of the animal world -- nice facade but they all have stupid bloody hands.

Big O

I hope your all talking about the other(EVIL)p.e.t.a. not the one we're all members of People Eating Tasty Animals, The True PETA

Don Mitchell

3 CLICKS for big o


I've never seen anyone that I'd spit on if they were on fire driving a Land Rover anyway. Likely some snobbish yuppie that uses the Rover to go skiing only. In a rush to get that tall nonfat soy chai latte at Starbuck's most likely.

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