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Week in Review: Best of the (Buck) Boards
Whitetail season is in full swing so this week’s best of the boards is all bucks (and one 18-point doe). We've got monster bucks, Christmas light bucks, and bucks worth a million bucks. Help pass the time until you can get back into your stand by checking out these links.
Pics: Deer living with broadhead stuck in skull! (
Pics: The Christmas-light Buck (
Topic: Turn off the cell in the stand (
Pics: 46-point, million-dollar buck? (
Video: An antler-cam? (
Pics: 300 inches of Antler! (
Topic: Whitetail Robbery (
Topic: An 18-point….doe? (
Topic: Two-for-one buck special (
Topic: 300-pound bucks (
A little off subject, not really but, has anybody seen this? Kinda cool.
Posted by: Shotgunlou | December 05, 2008 at 07:08 PM
Thanks for mentioning us Dave! A small forum like ours can use all the recognition we can get! You nearly doubled our daily traffic!
Posted by: Aaron Cooper | December 07, 2008 at 07:16 PM