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December 29, 2008

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Texas Targets Wild Dogs

From The Dallas Morning News:
A directive that allows Ferris police officers to shoot dangerous feral dogs is drawing criticism from animal welfare advocates.

The policy handed down by City Manager David Chavez last week allows officers to use shotguns to kill the potentially violent dogs. . . [which] breed and form packs that roam the town for food. . . .

"It's not a task anybody relishes down here," [Police Chief Frank Mooney] said. "You have to take care of the situation now or wait until someone's dead."

What do you think? Good policy or not?



I wonder how many animal rights activists would feel differently if their child was being munched on by a pack of wild dogs?

Personally, I feel if the dogs pose a threat to people, they should be shot on sight.


Back when I was a kid, local farmers told us to do the same. One actually made it part of the deal for hunting on his property. There were a couple of packs of up to a dozen or so dogs that would pester the larger farm animals and kill the smaller ones. When they talk about pack mentality they mean it. They are dangerous. Dog packs in towns sure don't sound like a good thing.

Perhaps they should let PETA go in and round them up, try to rehab them, then quietly exterminate them when they realize that they can't, and dispose of the carcasses. All at PETA's expense, of course. Seems a better place to funnel their funds then at non-vegans and sportsmen.

Elmer Fudd

you've put up a bad link for the story

must be a reason there are so many wild dogs a city police dept worries about em [as opposed to us hunters out in the sticks]


Just two weeks ago my dad was getting out of his pop-up blind, when a group of three wild dogs begin a headlong charge straight at him. My dad's not the best shot in the world, but he damn sure made a goot shot this time and killed the lead dog as it was about twenty yards from him. The other two ran off before he could shoot again.

This certainly wasn't our first experience with wild dogs however. This past spring after hunting turkey all day, we (my dad, a buddy, and me) returned to our camp which overlooks a small two acre pond. As we sat on the front deck we heard a monsterous splash followed seconds later by another. Then, from the direction of the dam a buck that had just begun growing his antlers came swimming followed closely by some kind of grey mutt. All of a sudden the deer began struggling to get out of the water and then disappeared under the water. I ran and grabbed my shotgun and threw in a 00 buckshot and ran like heck towards the pond. The dog was about fifty yards away, and getting out of the pond. I put the bead on his shoulder and pulled the trigger. It rolled him, and then he got up took a couple of staggering steps and fell over.

We called the local game warden to make sure we were alright to dump the two animals off where we usually put our gut piles. He said it was fine, and that we did the right thing by killing the dog.

BTW, the buck was a beauty. The bases he had started to grow were the size of a glass Coke bottle. The deer was in great shape, and it was astounding to think a damned mutt could get the best of such a large healthy deer.

Dr. Ralph

Yeah well growing up with a large animal vet I've seen the damage done by packs of dogs. Your best friend who you'd leave alone with your own baby and has never bitten anyone gets the Jekyl/Hyde syndrome as soon as he starts running with a pack. Same as large gatherings of humans... the collective IQ bottoms out and you wind up with things like lynch mobs, rock concerts, soccer riots, gangs, Democrats, etc...


I proudly attest to the fact that I will shoot any ferrel dog on the spot. They are worse than wild hogs and destroy the natural balance in the habitat. The place I hunt has it so bad most mornings will hear not even a bird, but packs of wild dogs baying up another doe. My friends horses have been attacked repeatedly, and they've taken many chicken and a goat. I hope they will all be destroyed with the help of government support.


Maybe Texas should give Michael Vick a call. I hear he would pay money to do this.


Packs ... large gatherings of humans .. collective IQ bottoms out ... Democrats. Dr Ralph, I appreciate your logic and sense of humor, even when you're serious.


Good one, Dr. Ralph!

As to the feral mutts, it's a sucky job, but someone has to kill the damned things. You can't blame the dogs for being dogs, but I'd sure like to have someone assigned to kick the asses of all the owners who've tossed these animals into the wild to begin with.

Control your damned animal, or get rid of it.


Wild dog packs = vicious & dangerous!


I had ferral cats on my property. Thought that was pretty cool until a friend told me they were eating my pheasants. That started the annual pre pheastant cat hunt.


That's the unfortunate part of removing feral dogs and cats from the environment. The average person only sees Fido and Garfield and do not understand the problems associated with feral pets. The animal rights groups such as Feline Hope, HSUS, and PETA play on the feelings of the uninformed.


out here in indian lakes estates we got em crossed with dingoes ive shot em swing twords my boat while fishin that was one hell of a night all i had was my air rifle and my huntin knife you should have heard the sons o bitches it was creepy

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