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December 23, 2008

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New York Cop Goes Duck Hunting, Saves A Life

From the New York Daily News:

Off-duty Suffolk County cop Joe Sarno, 38, was getting ready for duck hunting with his chocolate Labrador, Otter, when they came upon 80-year-old Fred Hall around noon Saturday.

The frail man wandered in the snow into the mucky waters, got stuck and nearly succumbed to hypothermia.

"I was just, like, I got to get this guy out of there," Sarno recalled. "He's going to die out here. . . ."

"It was an excellent day," said the five-year police veteran. "I saved a man's life and got to shoot some ducks."


jersey pig

good work officer sarno!!


"Sarno!!" That's my parent's town in Italy...we are a great people!!


The gift of a life, that must rank as the best Christmas present it's possible to give.
I hope officer Sarno enjoys a very successful wildfowling season. Well done sir!


Holy cow! That is very, very close to where I grew up. I wonder where he was hunting in East Moriches? Good job Officer Sarno!

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