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Discussion Topic: Obama Picks Marine Biologist Lubchenco To Head NOAA
From the Washington Post:
President-elect Barack Obama has tapped Oregon State University professor Jane Lubchenco, one of the nation's most prominent marine biologists, to head the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Lubchenco, a conservationist who… is a vocal proponent of curbing greenhouse gases linked to global warming,… has criticized the agency in the past for not doing enough to curb overfishing.
What do you think? Good choice?
Compared to some of his other choices, he doesn't sound bad.
Posted by: DylanH | December 24, 2008 at 11:53 AM
This is another red flag for sportsmen coming from the Obama camp. Lubchenco hails from the Pew Institute which alledgedly uses science to close or hamper consumptive use of marine resources. Do not be surprised that the bad decisions that NOAA has made recently in the summer flounder situation become more pronounced. Please alert your federal legislators that this "junk" science is not in keeping with tradition of wildlife managment fathered by Leopold and promoted by Theodore Roosevelt.
Posted by: NJ Sportsman | December 24, 2008 at 12:50 PM
Perhaps this person is not a bad pick considering that the whole west coast virtually wiped out the salmon fishing stock last year. I would prefer someone using science to manage wildlife rather than the politics that management is now predicated upon. Obviously our fish have been horribly mis-managed on the West coast in the past and this needs to be corrected.
Posted by: William | December 25, 2008 at 01:08 AM
We need more scientific approaches to current problems, and I think the new pick will be more effective in resolving them. "Tradition" is not always the smart thing to follow. Tradition can possibly keep us stuck.
Posted by: MSC | December 26, 2008 at 11:51 AM
Im sorry, I would have to disagree with the last post.
I believe that "tradition" is what we DO need more of. Now a days, there seems to be more people that forget that the very base of the whole entire "who's right and who's wrong" in conservation, all started with tradition.
Of course back then was simple times and the need to live past up anything else, but they knew how to keep the herds thriving and how to hunt, trap and fish, the "traditional" way, and came out on top of things. Look at where we are now and what it has become...compared to what is was then and the actual "spirit" behind it. The fact still reamains that in all the years the arguing has changed everything drastically and now the very idea of "tradition" has been lost. We need a man in charge that knows what "tradition" means..and stick to my opinion we would all be better that way.
Posted by: Ben Johnston | December 26, 2008 at 08:50 PM
you may jump like a black man, But you shoot like a loser
Posted by: ? | December 26, 2008 at 09:54 PM
Ben, I agree with you about tradition. Although it is a very general term. What you and I think it means could be a 180degree turn from what someone in a liberal administration thinks. To get very basic I think it comes down to an urban mentality vs. a rural mentality. Its almost like we speak a different language. Tradition has become an art form lost in many places. I am concerned about it greatly. We have to stick together if our children will know what it is about. I've gone off on a tangent my apologies for that. The whole thing is frightening to me. Thank the Lord I live on the water out in the stixx!!
Posted by: Greg | December 26, 2008 at 10:00 PM
Actuallu, in wildlife management sciences, tradition is one of the worst reasons to keep doing something. often times, the way things were managed is not the best way to manage now, under todays conditions. very few wildlife species cannot continued to managed like they were in 1950. The way hunting is done, as well as the pressure and technology, not only game camera's, and food plots, but warm clothing has changed so much it has completely revolutionized hunting and fishing. Managing game because that how is has always been done is not exceptable. I don't agree with some of the appointee's ideas, I just hope she puts the enviromental protection back in the EPA, which has been seriously diminished under the bush admin. policies.
Posted by: Johnny | December 26, 2008 at 11:54 PM
I can see the whole "scientific" point of the argument also. I mean of course we have come a long way because of science, when it has been used to actually benefit the sportsman. Field research and scents, all the way down to age determination and heritity, science has helped greatly, but in the same fact I have seen science mess alot of different things up.
All I am saying is that we cant forget about tradition, we need to hold on to it and cherish it...and use it for what it is, the very soul of every sportsman.
Posted by: Ben Johnston | December 27, 2008 at 08:30 PM
It looks like this new administration will actually use science to make decisions rather that consulting oil CEOs for their opinion. By the way, just because you disagree with science doesn't make it junk.
Posted by: Huntergatherer | December 27, 2008 at 10:37 PM
What does tradition have to do with game management?.
Wildlife needs to be manageed 1st and foremost with conservation in mind, if not, then you can throw away any future generations hunting and fishing the "Traditional" way.
I live in Oregon where the Salmon & Trout populations have been almost decimated, streams are choked with silt from clear cut logging run off, famrers and ranchers suck the John Day and Dechutes rivers almost dry.. We have had 8 years of the so called "Traditional" approach to wildlife management where oil CEO's and Natural extraction companies make policy.
I suggest ANYONE that has a serious concern for the future of the remaining wildlife as we know it to read up on Lubchenko, he is brilliant and experienced and will bring a mature and Sceince based approach to NOAA.
Wildlife is a ECO SYSTEM not just herds of elk and some fish for sportsmen, I for one would like to see ALOT more land set aside so I can maybe one day hunt and fish in real wilderness not some tree farm.
Posted by: bluerabbit | December 29, 2008 at 02:55 PM