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December 02, 2008

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Discussion Topic: On President Bush's Recent Pardons

From an AP story in The Gainesville Sun:

On the surface, the list of the 14 people pardoned by the president this week shows few common denominators in terms of time served, geographic location or even type of crime, except that the felonies were non-violent. But a closer look at some of the newly pardoned shows many of them are church-going, blue-collar workers from rural areas (and ardent Bush supporters) who had little trouble finding jobs after their convictions. There is another common thread: the important role firearms once played in their lives. .

Coincidentally or not, at least seven of the 14 pardoned on Monday are former hunters or shooting enthusiasts. In interviews, five of them said they wrote in their petitions to the government that a desire to win back the right to bear arms was a chief reason for wanting a pardon.

Check out the full story, including the details of several recent pardons. Tell us what you think about the petitioners getting their guns back.


I'm in school right now

I bet Bush has a reason for pardoning them that the public will never know about.


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