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November 21, 2008

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Week In Review: Best of the Boards

From exploding stands and Home Depot deer to enormous fish, this week's Best of the Boards is full of surprises. Check out what our intern unearthed from the world of hunting and fishing forums. See something cool he overlooked? Send him the link at [email protected].

Story: EXPLOSIVE hunting action...(heartlandoutdoorsman.com)
Story: Buck taken down with assault rifle in Home Depot...(huntingnet.com)
Video: Fish halved by hungry whale (PROFANITY ALERT) (stripersonline.com)
Topic: 68-pound musky? (scroll down to see a MONSTER pike) (muskyhunter.com)
Pics: Battle-wounded buck (pabucks.com)
Topic: 85-pound king salmon?! (allcoast.com)
Pics: Antler-shot moose (monstermuleys.info)
Pics: Goose hit mid-flight (averyoutdoors.com)
Topic: Should baiting be legal in New York State? (empirehunting.com)
Topic: New Jersey beach whale sighting? (bassbarn.com)


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