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October 27, 2008

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89-Year-Old Grandma Arrows 3-Point Buck

From The Reporter:
She pooh-poohed her peers when they scolded her for being "too old for such foolishness."

The 89-year-old Delores Wilhelms of Dotyville reached a new height of Nirvana last week when she bagged a buck, using her deceased husband's crossbow.

"It's a thrill I tell you. I hope God lets me live long enough to do it again next year," Delores said.



What an awesome story! Go Delores!


Bless her heart. Any chance you guys can get together and surprise her with a F&S trip up north to hunt around her cabin? Would make a great story.

I get the cringes just thinking about her getting a thumb ripped open by a bow string.


This is great. Good example of how traditional hunting is. Great to see people young old and in the middle enjoying this great outdoor activity. Hope she gets another one next year!

don mitchell

i don't feel so darn old now,keep it up and good luck next year Delores.


Great job Delores...I hope at your age i will still be out there looking for the big bucks...goes to show tou are never to old to get out in the great outdoors and have some fun.


Congratulations to Delores. A word of praise for Ron, a fantastic gift to help her out. Great story.


I think I want to make out with Delores.

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