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May 31, 2007

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Indiana Supreme Court Declines Challenge to Hunter Harassment Law

Frederick and Rosanne Shuger, convicted of interfering with a 2001 town-sanctioned deer hunt, contend that a section of the state’s hunter harassment law is unconstitutional because it is overly vague, according to this AP story in the Journal & Courier. The state Supreme Court, however, refused to hear the challenge. But this may not be the end of the story, as the Shugers may take their case to the U.S. Supreme Court.


Trent M.

I'm from Indiana. These people are idiots. If they U.S. Supreme Court hears this, they should be removed.


I would like to hear exactly what these people did. If they truly interferred with someone's hunt I am glad they are losing. I hunt on gameland and at ceratin areas some people find that they love to go out and start shooting repeatedly about an hour before legal shooting light ends during deer season. Or they put their dogs out, or they ride their horses or ATV's through gameland hollerinjg loudly. In one spot a I have actually seen a guy take a small pickup with no bed on it and do donuts all over. I can't wait for the warden to catch that genius.

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