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February 15, 2007

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Discussion Topic: Would You Vote for Rudy?

From an Associated Press story on FoxNews.com:

Rudy Giuliani addressed a potentially troublesome issue with conservative voters, saying his policies as mayor to get handguns off the street helped reduce crime in New York.

"I used gun control as mayor," he said at a news conference Saturday during a swing through California. But "I understand the Second Amendment. I understand the right to bear arms."

He said what he did as mayor would have no effect on hunting.

Do you believe that what he would do as president would have no effect on hunting?


Mike Diehl

If he's smarter than President Bush and does a better job managing public lands and the EPA, Rudy Giuliani might be a great president for hunters.


God have mercy on him if he isn't smarter than President Bush.

Chris H.

I think Rudy might have gone a little overboard in NY. I think good laws that punish guilty and prosecute for the right reasons are valuable. I don't think it should be impossible to get a gun legally. If you are looking for a gun to off somebody you don't care about the consequences of an illegal gun purchase.


A liberal in Republican clothing. He's made it clear that he doesn't understand the bill of rights. I've not found the "hunting" part anywhere in the second amendment. If Rudy gets the GOP nod, it will be my first vote for an independent candidate.


It's pretty obvious that Giuliani would say anything to be President. Being the former mayor of New York he learned how to talk out both sides of his mouth at the same time and mean none of it. I don't want to trust my hunting priveleges on a non committal politician. The next thing, he'll want to take away your fishing rods. Haven't we had enough of the Republican mentallity? I have!


abortion, gay marriage, gun control... they're all the same. politically, they're used to make us pick sides and to divert our attention from bigger issues. people overly concerned with them are ruining this country. we'll all still be allowed to hunt. calm down. a conservative in liberal clothing or a liberal in conservative clothing may be just what we need right now. politicians are generally shady people, but i'm more likely to trust a guy who isn't affraid to say what he means even when it may not line up with the majority of his party.


Rudi is a RINO or republican in name only. He is a cheater on his wife while in office. Now where have we seen that before? Anyway he starts out be putting everyone on notice he does not understand the constitution. The second amendment is not about huting RUDI. He is more of a gun hater than Clinton's ad believes only the police and military should have guns.


HEs the better of like 40 evils. I would vote for him just because he is the only partial republican. But that pro-choice stuff makes me sick. I'm personally a a Gingrich guy but he has no chance.


I personally don't trust any of them. There's too much money involved in politics to believe anything they say. I've always wondered why people would spend millions of dollars to get a 200,000.00 job. The money involved must be staggering. As far as the abortion issue goes, I'm reminded of something I read once. Democrats don't care what happens to children in the womb and Republicans don't care once children are out of the womb. Hypocrisy rules the day.


Mr.Guliani's comments are a classic example of the mentality most politicians today have. The 2nd amendment is not about hunting. Handguns are the only weapon used in NYC crime? What about the UZI's and Mac-10's and AK's the drug dealers are armed with? Anybody get knifed in NYC during his term in office?
Teddy Roosevelt must be rolling over in his grave.


Mr.Guliani's comments are a classic example of the mentality most politicians today have. The 2nd amendment is not about hunting. Handguns are the only weapon used in NYC crime? What about the UZI's and Mac-10's and AK's the drug dealers are armed with? Anybody get knifed in NYC during his term in office?
Teddy Roosevelt must be rolling over in his grave.


I usually stay the hell away from political discussions, since I am a devout political agnostic...but this one is just too full of import.

The Republicans got snookered by an addled, pseudo-southern frat boy, and they'll be spending a lot of time in damage control getting over that one. Now they're like teenage kids on the romance rebound...looking for new love and not real particular about where they find it.

Bush and Co. did a number on our Constitution, and showed just how susceptible it can be to the fiat of a President and his council. Amendments 1 and 4 took a beating over the last half-decade.

With that precedent in place, what's to stop someone like Giuliani, a Democrat in Republican clothing from dissecting Amendment 2? Rail against this all you want, but the answer to my own question is, NOTHING.

9/11 was an awful thing, and cynicism aside, Giuliani showed great leadership at a tough time. But those laurels are already tired... if he can ride into the Presidency on that, then this nation deserves what it gets.

Jim Malone

Rudy is just another politician. If you really want to know what he will do, then look at his record. He is anti-gun and that is the bottom line. If he gets the nod on the Republican ticket then I will be voting Independent.


Rudy became mayor when NYC was a mess. He really cracked down on crime and it worked. I think gun control on hand guns is crucial. Who wouldn't be willing to wait a couple of days to get a handgun if it lowered violent crimes? I live just outside of Philadelphia where the murder rate has gotten totally out of control. Young African American males are killing each other and its pretty sad.

dw in san diego

"...Who wouldn't be willing to wait a couple of days to get a handgun if it lowered violent crimes? ..."

A freeman? A citizen endowed with certain inalienable rights by his Creator?

"...Who wouldn't be willing to wait a couple of days to get a handgun if it lowered violent crimes? ..."

EXCEPT THAT IT DOES NOT WORK TO LOWER CRIME! IT WORKS TO INCREASE CRIME! That's the documented fact. Clue in, do some reading of the facts before you do your part in bartering away our rights.

...and speaking of rights:
Rights such as the 2nd Amendment are NOT granted by government or the Constitution!

Those rights come from our Creator. The Constitution recognizes and protects those inalienable rights that existed before and inspite of this government?

Smell the coffee! You've been lulled into accepting the creeping incrementalism of the Left. The gungrabbers are coming for us gunowners -- everyone single one of us. If the gungrabbers have to pick us off one group at a time by dividing and conquering then that's how they will do it.

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