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November 26, 2008

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Bourjaily: Jed's First Rooster

I thought all of you who have helped me name and train my dog with your posts might like this picture. It’s me, Jed and his first rooster, shot Tuesday, November 25, near Oxford, Iowa. We were looking for the singles from a covey rise of bobwhites when Jed found this bird hunkered in a hank of grass about halfway down a vertical creek bank and clambered down to point it.


I made a poor shot – I am blaming the steel 7s I had in the gun in anticipation of quail – and my host Tom Fuller’s Brittany, Star, found the cripple and made the retrieve. Jed was with her every step of the way and found the whole process very exciting. He is now blooded as a bird dog and eager for more.

This Thanksgiving week, I’ve got a new hunting partner to count among my blessings. Later I put Jed up and ran my setter Ike, who made a beautiful point on a second covey, despite being 12 years old, slow and afflicted with cataracts. There’s nothing wrong with his nose, and I’ve got that, and the memories of the past 12 seasons with Ike to be thankful for, too.


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jersey pig

i just got my first bird dog (male brittany) and as i type i am actually getting ready to take him out. i now understand the pride felt when your dog works well in the field and wish to congratulate mr. bourjaily.

to be honest though, i cheated. i first tried training a golden retriever who didnt want anything to do with birds and then bought a trained brittany (www.quailhollowkennel.com) so the credit for the good dog goes to the trainer, im just a handler. it's still cool though.


I have a female Brit and she had that same eager stance as Jed has in your photo with her first grouse.
Puts a tear in a grown mans eye!


Finished my 2nd season with my Brit pup. The floppy-eared lass' training is paying off. I was able to concentrate more on the shooting, putting more roosters in the freezer.

I still remember that first bird shot over the pup. That's a quantum leap.


Congratulations Phil to you and Jed. I wish you many happy years of hunting together. Oh and thank God for dogs like Ike. The body may begin to go but the spirit never does.


Thanks for the update. This reminds me of many seasons ago hunting over a young Lab named Magnum. He can't hunt anymore, but he sures wants to. We're thankful for all the good memories.


I was so taken with my Brit pups first point on a wild bird I didn't get up to her quick enough and my friend killed the woodcock for me. Ten minutes later she locked up again, this time I was ready.
I actually have a reason to look forward to the end of deer season this year, grouse are waiting.

Thos. B. Fowler

Congratulations, Bourjaily,
and to Jed, your faithful little pal. I am a Brittany man myself, but have included a dog that my wife wanted, as of two days ago...a Yellow Lab, named Rebel. Why some folks choose a rat terrier or chihuahua baffles me, but power to 'em. Bird dogs for us old bird hunters and their families...and, this Thanksgiving Day, a big Thank You to the Boss above, who lets us go afield and make memories.
Peace to all who have had good old dogs, and to those who have new ones. Blessings to boys and girls who go with Dad see the magic of a point or retrieve..may their tribe increase.

Tom Fowler


Aaaah, I think about Jed & hope you guys are having fun all the time, Phil...

That's a true blessing you have there!

Thanks for posting the pic.



I've deer hunted, Rabbit hunted, squirll,varnmits but nothing to me is as rewarding as working a good bird dog. Have'nt had one for a few years since the quail population has declined here in Eastern Ky. but may get one .the ngrouse are doing good.

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