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Update: Name Phil's Dog
Thanks to all of you who have sent in dog names. I had no idea this contest would generate so much interest.
My younger son comes home from camp today. The four of us will lock ourselves into a room and come up with a final answer over the weekend. Thanks for your patience. I am a slow dog namer – it took me an entire week to come up with “Sam” for my first German shorthair twenty-some years ago.
Meanwhile “Puppy” aka “Little Dog” seems much less bothered by his lack of a name than I am. He sits, comes when called, points a wing on a fishing rod and loves to play fetch. He is 98% housebroken and spends long stretches of time in his crate without complaining.
By Monday he will have a name.
One late entry. Da*% it. As in Da&* it get in the truck. Da^* it sit down. That was the best dog I ever hunted with.
Posted by: TJB | July 11, 2008 at 05:29 PM
Good luck, hows he doing with chewing things? All my pups were pros by the time they were 10 wks old!
Posted by: Jeff270 | July 11, 2008 at 06:12 PM
Call the dog Genius.
Posted by: JPM | July 11, 2008 at 06:42 PM
Glad to see you like German Shorthairs, Dave! I've been partial to the breed for over twenty years, when my neighbor's dog, Dusty, first came into my life...
I had walked the back forty over thoughly, and nary turned up a bird...bird, being the Southern gentleman, Mr. Bob..and was thinking and putting in a prayer for the fact that if I only had a would be much better indeed!
When, as if in answer to my prayer, here comes a shorthair, trotting across the field...(my neighbors) So by invite, I asked him to join me and he accepted...It was one of the coldest days in north Florida and the birds were all flocked up in one cornor of the weed field...and sure as fire, here he locks up one the slickest points I've ever seen.
Well, true to form, I missed the first on the rise, and got the second, but the birds just kept pouring out.....there must have been a hundred in that rise.....three or four coveys, all bunched up for warmpth!
Well, praise God and the dog, but where was the dog? On his way gunshy as a dog could be! That one rise was all I got for the day, but it stands as a memory I can never forger!
And the dog Dusty,named for the road he was found wandering on, got over the gunshyness and went on to be the best bird dog you could ever buy, sell or trade answer to a prayer, and a friend for life.
Posted by: jes | July 11, 2008 at 07:41 PM
The GS pointer was my 1st bird dog. I could work that little gal(Dutchess) all day, and then the next with the same gusto!
I liked my English setter(Pepper), too, but man was his long hair a burr catcher!
Ahh..what memories....
Posted by: Ralph the Rifleman | July 11, 2008 at 09:29 PM
Speaking of Da, "Uff Da"! makes a good German name.
I've also had dogs who lived their whole life with "Puppy" and "Little Dog" and they seemed perfectly content with them both.
Posted by: Jack Ryan | July 11, 2008 at 10:51 PM
That's a heckuva good looking pup. I'm already in with Chester for a name, but I've got a suggestion if you ever get a female Brit -- Addie, as in Attention deficit disorder. If my wife hadn't already named mine Ginger when we got her it would have been Addie for sure, once I'd gotten acquainted with her. I've always had pointers or labs, but this was my first Brit. Cute as can be, smart as a whip, aching to please and absolutely nuts. Can't sit still for a minute and isn't happy if she's not doing a dozen things at once. I'd heard they were high strung, but I never really knew...
Posted by: Mike Reeder | July 12, 2008 at 01:48 AM
Two of the best dog names I've ever heard were:
"Dee-oh-gee!" (emphasis on the oh)
(spells dog!)
"U-no" (pronounced "you know")
The latter, belonged to a high school buddy and was a bird hunting dream.
When asked the dog's name, T would reply, "U-no." To which the asker would reply, "No, I don't. What's his name?"
T almost came to blows with a fellow hunter once until somebody explained to him that T wasn't making fun of him, just telling him the dog's name!
P.S. - How about "SPOT"!?
Posted by: Bubba | July 12, 2008 at 09:21 AM
I was thinking more like the name Miracle. If he can do all that and is still a puppy.
Tom the Troll
Posted by: Thomas | July 12, 2008 at 12:18 PM
How about "Good"?
Posted by: Brian T | July 12, 2008 at 03:58 PM
We named our dog biskit
Posted by: Trae B. | July 13, 2008 at 10:20 PM
Here's another late entry -- Joe.
Every bird hunter has a tale about the best dog he ever owned named Joe or Ol' Joe.
Posted by: Tony C. | July 14, 2008 at 09:21 AM
Sorry I issed your "name the dog" into your initial notice/request too late...however, for your next dog...there's always a dream about the next one, isn't there?...NIP would be the perfect choice...and then of course his/her mate would be TUCK. Cheers, Ben
Posted by: Ben Murph | July 15, 2008 at 02:23 AM