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August 28, 2006

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Much Ado about Nothing (With apologies to the worshipful Wm. Shaxpur)

Remember  the United Nations Review Conference on Small Arms, and how it was going to take our guns away? Ever wonder what happened? The answer is, nothing. I wouldn’t have known this either, except that I happen to get Safari Times, which is Safari Club International’s newspaper, and there it was on the front page. No one could agree on anything, and they couldn’t even agree to have a follow-up conference at which they would not agree on anything.

It’s one more typical farce, courtesy of the folks who won’t/can’t stop the massacres in Darfur, or send a meaningful peacekeeping force to Lebanon, or do much of anything else except occupy valuable real estate on the east side of Manhattan. What is worthy of note, however is the great hoopla that took place beforehand.

The NRA in particular conjured up visions of sinister, blue-beanied forces breaking into every home in America, demanding in odd, incomprehensible English (the kind used on PA systems in airports), “We are wanting all your guns now, yes, or we will be taking you to jail, including your small children and your pets, by golly.”

Well, the NRA was obliged to send out warnings, but there’s a danger in getting people worked up about an essentially lame organization like the U.N.: If you get them exercised about everything all the time they eventually lose interest, and when a real threat looms, you can’t get them as charged up as they would have been otherwise.

And a footnote: That same issue of the Safari Times carried a notice that the Sables, which is the ladies’ auxiliary of SCI, had elected a new slate of officers. A while back in Field & Stream, I poked fun at the Sables because they were named after antelope. Since then, I’ve gotten to meet some of them, and they do an enormous amount of good for the hunting sports with very little in the way of thanks or publicity. Bless their hearts; I wish them the very best.


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Ralph the Rifleman

I had read about the UN gun control issue that died,and I didn't send flowers,either...as for the NRA, which I do support, but I didn't agree 100% on their approach concerning this issue--the(NRA)had drafted a letter/statement concerning this issue to sign/mail to the UN, and I chose not to send it..I think it missed the mark on the subject. The UN bascially lacks a defined purpose, and their track record for lack of success supports that failure.

JA Demko

I'm weary of a great many of the tropes and cliches encountered on a daily basis if your interest runs towards guns. Paranoid rants about the UN, I think, tops the list. The Blue Helmets might be able to find their own asses in a dark room...if they can use both hands, a flashlight, and a native guide. They are the most ineffectual quasi-government organization in the history of the world and one sorry excuse for a bogeyman, as a result.
I'm also tired of the words "sheeple" and "demoncrat" and metaphors that liken gun owners to sheepdogs...but that is my Tired Old Rant and I won't subject you all to it again here.


LMAO @ the U.N.... What a pack of toothless nutless dogs!! (meaning no offense to good canines everywhere)Methinks they would do MUCH better if the U.N. were headquartered in one the small armpit countries in Africa...or the Mid East...then mayhaps they would become more effective (or extinct) Just one more prime example of the NRA wasting our time and money.....if, IF the NRA wants to protect our 2nd. Then they need to start watching AMERICAN federal and state govts and quit worring about the world...they would do well to take a few pages from the G.O.A. playbook.

now, now Dave...the sable antelope is a magnificent animal, and is one of the few who would 'spear' a lion rather than flee. OK, I admit, I read that from Jim, and it's based on some rotting dead lion found impaled on the horns of Hippotragus Niger, which appears to have died, too, my guess is from starvation. Couldn't feed, couldn't drink, couldn't chew cud with a lion in his horns.

There's another sable, which is furry and related to martens, but I suppose fur trappers would be more interested in that.

Nothing about the UN surprises me anymore. Wait, there's one. How is it that Taiwan isn't a member when their former leader Chiang Kai Check was one of the original signers of the Atlantic Charter?


UN stuff, why waste your time?

What happen to the "GUNS I OWN" section of your blog.

Please remember the "GUN" NUTS out there!

Keep up the good work!!



The recent UN arms control summit had the NRA brass salivating like wolves. Here is a chance to scream "The sky is falling!" and panic some gun owners who don't know any better into sending them another check which they will blow on some turncoat G.O.P. canidate who posses with a shotgun while campaigning and then keels over to the likes of Johnny-boy McCain and the rest of the antis. Would Koffi Annan love nothing more than to disarm every single American and make us carry aropund a UN-issued personal ID? Absolutely, but there is a better chance of having the East Coast invaded by the Estonians that seeing that. Lets face it, can anyone name a single thing of note the UN has done in 58 years without the U.S. pulling all the weight? Neither can I. And somehow I don't see the U.S. military strapping on jackboots and going door-to-door confiscating guns anytime soon. And y'all know perfectly well that if the Feds DID try national disarmerment like was attempted in New Orleans a year ago, they would be greated with a hail of lead. At any rate, my point if that if the NRA wants any more of my cash they should stop whinning about the spineless louts at the UN and start fighting some of the laws passed all the time in Washington D.C. Those DO sting!


The NRA HAS been doing a great deal about "fighting some of the laws passed all the time in Washington D.C." That's why so many anti-gun proposals have gone nowhere, and pro-gun legislation has been passed. THe NRA isn't perfect, but they're doing a hell of a lot more to safeguard our Second Amendment rights than all the boo-birds sitting on the sidelines. It seems really odd that, for a supposedly pro-gun forum, there's a suspiciously large amount of pissing and moaning about the only really effective organization lobbying on the gun-owners' behalf.


The NRA HAS been doing a great deal about"fighting some of the laws passed all the time in Washington D.C." That's why so many anti-gun proposals have gone nowhere, and pro-gun legislation has been passed. THe NRA isn't perfect, but they're doing a hell of a lot more to safeguard our Second Amendment rights than all the boo-birds sitting on the sidelines. It seems really odd that, for a supposedly pro-gun forum, there's a suspiciously large amount of pissing and moaning about the only really effective organization lobbying on the gun-owners' behalf.

Josh Costello

While the U.N. may seem to be rather inept at making decisions and effecting change, it is with due diligence that we must continually check their attempt to enforce international gun law in the United States. If, in the next election, a government sympathetic to the U.N. is elected, it will not be the comical “Blue Hats” we have to worry about, but rather our own Federal government taking up the fight, enforcing these skewed ideals and attempting to confiscate our firearms. I say “Bravo” to the NRA for turning the U.N. Summit into such a public issue.

Jack Bohm

Honestly, we ought to , 1, Withdraw from the UN. 2. Kick them out- we don't need the spies. 3 amend the constitution to A- forbid the signing or ratification of any treaty that would contradict US law/constitution, and B, forbid permanently our membership in such an organisation as the UN.

I will never trust the UN or any of the Gun Grabbers- you cannot deal in good faith with any of them.

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