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July 20, 2006

Clear Vision: How to make your glasses fog-free

Glasses If you wear glasses, one thing you can count on is that they are going to fog up. Here’s how to stay fog-free. 

First, get some dishwashing liquid (such as Dawn or Joy) and a soft cotton cloth. Rinse your glasses in cold water, then apply one to two drops of detergent to the fronts and backs on your lenses. Polish both sides with the cloth until all streaks are gone. When you’re done, your glasses will be clean and won’t fog for at least five or six hours, even in humid conditions.

I keep tiny travel bottles of detergent and hand-size squares of cotton cloth (cut from old shirts) in my fishing and turkey vests, hunting backpack, and truck, and I use them constantly. Just make sure the cloths are clean.

In a pinch, liquid soap from a hand-wash dispenser in a public bathroom work well, but do not use paper towels, as they’ll scratch your lenses. 



Those of us who have been scuba diving for a number of years still use our own spit to keep masks and glasses clear. WHY spend the $ for dishwashing detergent.


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