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May 18, 2006

Wader Repairs: How to find leaks and fix them forever

Wader leaks can make you damp, cold, and cranky, especially when you can’t find them. Here’s a foolproof way to locate and repair even the smallest holes and gashes.

First, you will need a felt-tip marker and Sportsman’s Goop or an equivalent sealing agent. Make sure your waders and your bathtub are bone dry. Set the waders in the tub and turn on the tap, and begin to fill the side that leaks. As soon as the water passes above the leak and creates the slightest pressure, water will starting coming through on the outside.

Mark the spot with the Sharpie, dry the waders completely, then repair them with Goop, first on the outside, then on the inside. Make sure the outside repair is completely dry before you add Goop to the inside, or you may weld the leg together.

This technique works well with any wader or rubber boot; and you may even find some leaks that you didn’t know were there.


Chrissy Johnson

I found this information to be great. I love the info. on cleaning waders. I wish I would have read this years ago, Thank you!!!

Jason Riley

Another good method I've had success with is the flashlight method. Place the flashlight inside the waders while in the dark. You'll see the light coming through any area with a hole. I've used Aquaseal and have not tried Goop. I've found this very effective to identify leaks. Thanks for the great information, especially on the Atsko products!

plumbing covina

I'll try this technique,and let me see how it works. Well with any wader or rubber boot; and you may even find some leaks that you didn’t know were there,thanks to your blog.

by: jb

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