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April 28, 2006

The Ardent XS Baitcasting Reel: It’s Entirely American-Made

Reel As far as I know, the only freshwater baitcasting reel totally produced in the U.S. is the Ardent XS. Built in Macon, Missouri, this fine reel may have the smoothest drag I’ve used in recent years. It has a total of ten bearings and rests comfortably in your hand. This puppy weighs just 8.7 ounces, has a thumb-bar free-spool function, plus an instant, continuous anti-reverse. Translation: It allows meticulous control for flipping and casting.

If that’s not enough, the reel is almost impossible to backlash once properly set, and you get the industry’s only three-year warranty.  Plus, the owner’s manual is well written and has information that’s actually useful. $250; ardentreels.com

If you know of any other baitcasting reels made in the U.S., hit the comment bar and let me know about it. And if your favorite baitcasting reel matches up with the Ardent, let me hear about that too.


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