A few days ago, while shooting at a local sporting clays field, I noticed that the trapper was walking in a rather odd manner. After staring at his boots, I realized that his feet looked as if they were sliding off the side of a mountain while his boots were planted on level ground. The entire foundation of the boots had broken down on the outsides, offering less support than a pair of slippers.
“Man, my back hurts,” the guy said. My response was, “Ah… you need a new pair of boots.”
“These shoes are 3 months old and I don’t even wear them every day,” he shot back.
Aghast, I asked where he bought them, and he said Walmart, for $59. I didn’t have a camera with me, so I offered to buy his shoes for $10. He looked at me as if I had grown two heads and said, “Hell yes, you can buy my shoes!”
So, to keep you F&S blog readers in the know about footwear that fails, I give you a pair of Herman Survivors SympaTek, ScentMask, 600-gram boots that couldn’t even last 45 days in the field. Don’t buy them.
Undoubtedly, the trappers at the clays field are still talking about the guy who was stupid enough to pay ten bucks for boots that no human can walk in. I hope I can claim them on my expense report.
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