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April 25, 2006

New Hitch Cover: This medallion will tell the world that you love shotguns

You might be a redneck if … you publicize your sport on your trailer hitch.

12_g_ Some people adorn theirs with propellers, largemouth bass, mallards; but what about shotgunners?  They need representation too, don’t they?

Fear not, 12-gaugers, because you can buy a 4.5-inch brass (actually steel) shell bottom to mount on the back of your trailer hitch. That’s right, you can announce to the world that you just might have some exceptionally expensive shotguns locked in your truck that are waiting to be liberated by surly individuals who could care less that they belonged to your grandfather, and who will probably saw the barrels off and—I can’t bear this sentence any longer. Of course, if you happen to back-up and imprint your new 12-gauge manhood into a Toyota Prius you’ll really make a new friend with its owner, and your insurance company. 

If all this ranting isn’t enough to prevent you from buying one of these things, I can assure you that if you stroll into the 12-gauge medallion, you will endure sufficient pain to make you pass out and bear a scar on your shin for the rest of your life.

But hey, for $25, why not? shotgifts.com


Mike Richards

I got one of these, and it's great! I had several people honk at me and wave, and at first I thought that I had a problem with my SUV, like flat rear tire.... Actually, when I came to a stop, they all wanted to know were I got "that cool looking" 12 Gauge hitch cover decoration! Also, I don't think I'd try and t-off (either while driving or parked) someone who has a hitch cover like this on the back of their vehicle! Bottom line, it's made a "big bang" (sorry) with the many hunter and shooters that see it!

Michael J.

This ROCKS! The ammogifts.com folks have upfitted some awesome gift stuffers for hunting & shooting fans. This is COOL!

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