About The Author

Kim Hiss, an associate editor at Field & Stream, has hunted ducks, antelope, turkeys, and deer throughout the country, enjoying a number of women's hunts along the way. She lives in Dobbs Ferry, New York. Click here to email Kim.

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« Our Women Overseas | Main | Women v.s. Men »

January 04, 2008

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"Drive By Shooting" Update

Before the holiday, we'd posted the sad story of the 18-year-old Kansas student, who was killed while on a goose hunt with his friends. You may have already seen this, but authorities this week charged a 57-year-old Topeka business owner in connection with the killing. According to this Capital Journal story, the suspect reportedly told authorities that he'd been shooting at a coyote when the young man was killed. He's been charged with one count of involuntary manslaughter and three misdemeanors, and awaits a preliminary hearing at the end of February.
If you have some time to waste at work, check out the reader comments at the bottom of this related Emporia Gazette story. The first says, "I hope they call me to be on this jury. I would throw the book at him and set an example. Just the other day a gentleman was glassing geese with his high-power. Someone else will get shot by these folks unless we all make a stand." Not surprisingly, the comments just get more heated from there. -K.H.


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Laura Bell

That's good that they caught this guy!!
When will some people learn...