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Campaign Trail
I suppose we should talk about Hillary Clinton at some point, and the occasion of her Nevada win seems as good a time as any.
First of all, I'm sure a number of us vote our sport -- When Field & Stream's 2007 Women Hunters Poll asked, Do hunting or gun issues affect the way you vote? 78% said yes. But in the throws of the current campaign season, it's hard to resist asking the question, do some women vote their gender?
If the news coverage following Mrs. Clinton's teary-eyed moment in New Hampshire can be taken as an indicator, the answer seems to be "Yes" for a number of voters. The New York Times, for example, quoted a local woman saying that the show of emotion in and of itself convinced her to cast a ballot for Clinton instead of Republican John McCain. "She is a woman," the voter reportedly said by way of explanation. "Give her a chance." The news story went on to point out that many women cited that display of humanity as a turning point that secured their support for Mrs. Clinton.
Of course, if you're a woman who hunts, personality points aren't enough. Mrs. Clinton's well-known track record on gun control alone deserves grave consideration to say the least (The NRA's Political Victory Fund gave her an "F" grade as a result of her position on firearms ownership).
Deciding your vote is a complicated task, and I for one am humbled by the responsibility. My interests as a sportsman weigh in, and I'm sure on some level my sensibilities as a woman weigh in as well. But my concerns as a human being on issues such as health care, education, and foreign policy are also key among the many considerations that determine my vote. - K.H.
I have to say, her show of emotion did the opposite for me. I feel that someone who's going to run the country needs to be able to take it no matter what. I understand a break down as much as the next emotion rollercoaster you talk to, but leave it behind closed doors. This is our country we are talking about. Sorry if it offends you, but this position is a man's job, not a woman's.
Posted by: Katie | January 22, 2008 at 12:02 PM
I also have to say that showing her emotions was a huge negative for me. The President needs to be able to control their emotions,be a strong personality. Can you imagine something critical going on and the president broke down and cried???? I for one will vote my sport, and everyone please do go out and vote.
Posted by: Wilma Heinowski | January 22, 2008 at 01:04 PM
I too found the show of emotion a turn off. I would probably have cried or worse in that situation, so that's why i'm not running for office:) I would definitely say, my sport of hunting, gun control issues etc. will probably be one of the most important issues that will decide my vote.
Posted by: Paula | January 22, 2008 at 05:22 PM
I too am in agreement with the show of emotion by Mrs. Clinton, a negative point. I felt it was insincere, a way to gain the vote of women, playing on emotion. Echoing what has already been said I believe if a woman is to be the President she must show strength in all situations.
Posted by: CDGardens | January 22, 2008 at 05:31 PM
I'm no Hillary fan anyway, so I don't plan on a vote for Monica's ex-boyfriends' wife! There may be a woman out there that would be a great President, but she is not it.
Yes, the gun issue will be a top priority as well as environmental policy.
Posted by: Lou Alexander | January 22, 2008 at 06:13 PM
I admit, I was nervous about putting candidate Clinton on the blog at all! But I did think that press coverage following her tearful moment was disturbingly telling of the mindset of some voters. Some seem to be easily swayed by personality alone (unfortunately); others of us keep our eye on the issues.
Posted by: Kimberly Hiss | January 23, 2008 at 08:00 AM
OK. From what I can tell from reading the comments regarding KH's postings on Booth Babes and Hillary, it seems that Huntresses hold some pretty high standards for their fellow gender members. In my humble opinion, this demonstrates a level of maturity and intellect that the average Oprah fan or Cosmo reader seems to lack. But what do I know?
Posted by: rivercityloudmouth | January 23, 2008 at 03:10 PM
It would be my hope that gender or race wouldn't be a factor in choosing who to or who not to vote for.
Unfortunately, that's never going to be the case for some people. Some are going to vote for a woman just because she is a woman. Others are going are NOT going to vote for that same female candidate just because she IS a woman.
I'm always going to vote for the candidate that best matches my beliefs and stances on various issues. Whether that person be a man or a woman, or their skin is pink or blue. Which means that in the case of this upcoming election, my vote certainly will not be going to Hillary.
Posted by: Shannon | January 24, 2008 at 09:46 AM
you actually think she cried for real? She's a lying coniving politician who would kile your son and mine to get her and slick willie's you know what into the Oval office again. She cares for nothing but herself. McCain has 2 boys in the military - 1 as a marine in Iraq right now! That man has given so much and has more to loose than any other candidate. He will keep our sons alive and that gives him my vote
Posted by: Larry | January 24, 2008 at 02:23 PM