About The Author

Kim Hiss, an associate editor at Field & Stream, has hunted ducks, antelope, turkeys, and deer throughout the country, enjoying a number of women's hunts along the way. She lives in Dobbs Ferry, New York. Click here to email Kim.

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« A Happy Ending | Main | Happy New Year! »

December 28, 2007

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Corporate Climber

South Carolina reader Amy Tucker (you first met her a few months ago in the post about pregnant hunters) recently emailed this picture and a great little story to go with it. She'd actually posted an earlier comment about these two deer -- Amy had taken the four-pointer (her first buck - congrats!), and her friend got the 10. As she explains below, the photo itself led to some very cool workplace recognition. -K.H.
     I sent this picture to my boss, who gets a kick out of my hunting. He, in turn, sent it to his boss, who showed it to the VP of the company! This guy is a big dog and not someone who I ever thought would even know who I was, or care for that matter. It turns out he's a huge hunter! I went to a meeting, and this guy is telling the room about himself and says he likes to do what Amy Tucker likes to do on the weekends: Hunt! I about fell out of my chair.
     Anyway, we find each other after the meeting and start a friendship. He just went to Texas and got an 8-pointer that he emailed me pictures of! I now have a direct line to the VP thanks to hunting! How cool is that?! I think my other comrades must think I'm a kiss ass, or possibly that the whole thing just kicks ass - one of the two!


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Laura Bell

Haven't been on the Blog for some time, things got a little hectic, so I'm just now catching up.

Congrats on your first buck!! Lol And good story to go with it! Wouldn't we all want a boss like that?! Nice!