About The Author

Kim Hiss, an associate editor at Field & Stream, has hunted ducks, antelope, turkeys, and deer throughout the country, enjoying a number of women's hunts along the way. She lives in Dobbs Ferry, New York. Click here to email Kim.

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« Hard Work Pays Off | Main | Hunt-Therapy »

November 28, 2007

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Our Condolences

     I have some bad news. I just got an email from reader Wanda Hyleman (our own 'Southwoodshunter'), who wanted me to explain to everyone on the blog why she hadn't been posting recently. I was beyond sorry to hear that her oldest son, Jerami Willard, had passed away Monday at the age of 29. It was very unexpected.
     Wanda asked that, in addition to sharing that news, I post a link to the funeral home website , where anyone who's interested in knowing about Jerami could look at photos and read a little about him.
     On behalf of the blog readers, I'd like to express my deepest condolences to Wanda and her family, and my sincere hope that at some point, getting back in the woods can be a source of solace. --K.H.


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Hey Wanda, I am so sorry to hear about your son. I too have a 29 year old son, I can only imagine how terribly hard this is for you. You'll be in my prayers.


I can't even imagine what your family is going through. My prayers are with you.


You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers Wanda. I truly hope you all will find peace to see you through your loss.


Prayers sent for you and your family. My deepest sympathies.

Laura Bell

I'm very sorry to hear about your son Wanda. I'm not sure what else to say.
You and your family will be in my thoughts.


You have my sympathy....