About The Author

Kim Hiss, an associate editor at Field & Stream, has hunted ducks, antelope, turkeys, and deer throughout the country, enjoying a number of women's hunts along the way. She lives in Dobbs Ferry, New York. Click here to email Kim.

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Main | Kelly Reinemer's Antelope Marinade »

June 08, 2007

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Annette Shearer

I was so happy when I saw and read the article The American Huntress. I went hunting with my father at an early age and I absolutely love it! It's great to know there are more women besides me who love it as much as I do. I usually end up being the only woman when I go hunting. I would like to find women in my area to hunt with.



I am a 13 year old girl who has grown up on a 100 acres. my uncle dad and grandpa have hunted all my life and when i was 10 i started too.I found it kind of discouraging that in hunting magazines like cabelas,there are few pictures of girls hunting. When I mentioned this to my dad he took out the field and stream magazine and showed it to me. It was very inspiring


I am a 13 year old girl who has grown up on a 100 acres. my uncle dad and grandpa have hunted all my life and when i was 10 i started too.I found it kind of discouraging that in hunting magazines like cabelas,there are few pictures of girls hunting. When I mentioned this to my dad he took out the field and stream magazine and showed it to me. It was very inspiring


I am a 13 year old girl who has grown up on a 100 acres. my uncle dad and grandpa have hunted all my life and when i was 10 i started too.I found it kind of discouraging that in hunting magazines like cabelas,there are few pictures of girls hunting. When I mentioned this to my dad he took out the field and stream magazine and showed it to me. It was very inspiring


I am a 13 year old girl who has grown up on a 100 acres. my uncle dad and grandpa have hunted all my life and when i was 10 i started too.I found it kind of discouraging that in hunting magazines like cabelas,there are few pictures of girls hunting. When I mentioned this to my dad he took out the field and stream magazine and showed it to me. It was very inspiring