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January 02, 2009

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Where is the Fishing Year's Best, Now?

We'll start the year off with a little quiz/riddle.

Of all the great flyfishing (not ice fishing) places in America, I'm thinking most are, naturally, almost dormant for the long winter stretch.  Oh, to be sure, there are many places where the fishing is okay or good now, but they're going to get a whole lot better in the coming months.

But one place is going off, right now.  It's prime time, when the biggest fish of the year are well within range, and when conditions are right, you can catch them in numbers.

Where am I thinking, and what fish are they catching?

And if you know of someplace else that's hot, right now... let us know.

Happy New Year.



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Alex Pernice the 13 year old fly rod winner

Uhh... Steelhead in Ohio's lake Erie Tributary's?


redfish in louisiana?

Evan V

Winter run Chinook in the sacramento?


I'm not telling you where I am going fishing.

Matt Penttila

Swift River just went from C&R (Catch and release) to C&K (Catch and Keep) up here in MA. So the fishing will be good for another week then the fish will be sparse until July 1st when the C&R starts again.


Brown trout below hydroelectric dams in Arkansas: the White, Little Red, and Norfork Rivers are producing 24" browns on a regular basis


Winter Great Lakes steelhead.


bano pool. Brown trout

Andy Montana

San Diego Bay is on fire. 40-100 fish days. Sunshine and a lot of fun on lightweight tackle.




summer in NZ


Reds in Louisiana and in Mosquito Lagoon, Arkansas tailwaters, delayed harvest streams in NC.


CBBT rockfish

tim romano



Tim, I'm going to take a stab at Chessapeak Bay Bridge Tunnel after a quick google search.....used to fish for flounder near there when I was a wee lad.


Guadalupe River tailrace is hot right now. 20" rainbows are common.

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