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January 04, 2009

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Shaky Times at Yellowstone

I was surprised to learn from this story in the Honolulu Star Bulletin that between December 26th and 29th Yellowstone National Park experienced more than 250 small earthquakes.  Scientists wonder if that's a sign of a big volcanic eruption brewing.  Yellowstone sits atop a super volcano that, if it blows, would make Mt. Saint Helens explosion seem like a burp (last time Yellowstone erupted, it apparently spewed 2,500 times the ash of Saint Helens).

I wouldn't lose any sleep though, or worry about changing any travel plans.  Geologic events transpire over millennia, and eruptions are impossible to predict.  Besides, if Yellowstone blows, half the US could be covered in ash 3 feet deep... so I suspect the fly fishing will slow down pretty much everywhere.



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Blue Ox

Yea- conditions would be miserable at best.


i just spent the weekend in west yellowstone and didn't feel a tremor or see a single bit of smoke, steam, or lava. since i live within the 200 mi radius, should i evacuate? NOT ! ! !


i just spent the weekend in west yellowstone and didn't feel a tremor or see a single bit of smoke, steam, or lava. since i live within the 200 mi radius, should i evacuate? NOT ! ! !


I think, seeing that you live so close to one of the prettiest places on earth, you might just as well stay put.

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