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December 28, 2008

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Carolina Christmas Brook Trout Stream

Date: December, 23th 2008
Time: 9:30am
Location: Secret Brooktrout stream, North Carolina
Who: My wife, Ellie Childs

Anyone else fish in the last week?  Where and what for?


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nice piece of film, man.



A slice of heaven ... beautiful. And no snow! Thanks for sharing.


Hiring arborists and geologists to help me determine the stream's exact location -- I have to fish that piece of water soon as the brook trout in southern Appalachia are particulary vulnerable to global warming.


Global warming is simply a joke.

tim Romano


you serious?

Matt Penttila

Cool video, although no fish. Wonder what the CFM's were?


acid rain, gravity and a round earth are a joke also...


Nice...I'm Jealous!


Here's what I noticed; Rhodis apparently never drop their leaves and can therefore snag my fly at any time of the year! Didn't get to fish but got many goodies for X-mas. Must have been good this year.

tim romano


Yeah, there were a ton of Rhododendron in NC. I can only imagine how amazing it looks when there in bloom. It was kinda weird seeing leaves everywhere in December when it was below freezing... We don't have any here.


dry fly fishing in a spring creek in northern patagonia last week...

Chad Love

Joey, I know you're a Longhorn and I'm a Sooner, but can I come to Patagonia fishing with you some time?

Oh, and I forgot to mention, uhh, you'd have to spot me the coin, but maybe I could trade it out in some guided, uh, rough fish trips on a few of our fantastic NW Oklahoma rivers...

Patagonia. Rub it in, cornboy. I hope Rick Barnes develops a flaming case of the 'roids...



I spend a long weekend in the Smokies every spring. The rhodis are really beautiful when they are in bloom. Of course, those beautiful blooms will also eat flies. My wife planted two in front of the house a couple of years ago during a landscaping remodel. I've told her many times they would look more natural with some 6x and a few flies strung out in them. She does not seem to see the humor. My question is did you catch anything?

tim romano

wags, well no. I have to be honest. We didn't catch anything, although we didn't really try to hard. It was really cold and we just wanted to see this stream that we'd heard so much about for the past couple of years.

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