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Fly Talk Photo Contest
So admittedly this is going to be pretty unofficial, but I want to see some of your photographs that you've taken over the last year in regards to fishing.
I've been doing a ton of edits the past couple of weeks for possible ads, catalog covers and our magazine Angling Trade. I'm sick of looking at my photos and thought that I could convince some of you to share some of your favorites with Kirk and I and the rest of the Blog-o-sphere. I'll gather them up, categorize, analyze, ponder, and hopefully laugh some and we'll all vote on our favorites right after the new year. Heck, I'm sure I can even wrangle up some pretty sweet little prizes for 1st, 2nd, and third place.
I'll make it fair and I'll set up a way for us to vote when the time comes. Anybody have any suggestions for categories or ideas for this little competition? List them here in the comments section and we'll start up the first end of year photo comp for Flytalk.
Please send photo submissions to my email [email protected] and please don't crush me with hundreds of photos. While photos of big fish or weird fish are totally cool, I'm curious what you all can come up with that's a touch outside the grip and grin realm. Get creative here!
Good luck and I can't wait to see what's in my inbox. Oh, and please title your subject line in your submissions Flytalk Photo Contest.
well I'll be... I just got my first image no more than 20mins after I put up the post.
Posted by: Tim Romano | December 04, 2008 at 05:13 PM
tim, please make a rule that no photos are allowed that employ the use of a fish-eye lens, it's just a gimmick used by wanna-be photographers to make boring photos look 'cool'.
Posted by: joey | December 04, 2008 at 05:22 PM
While I agree with you for the most part I think a fisheye can be a valuable tool for close ups, etc on digital cameras as it allows you to focus close and while distorting a bit but isn't what it used to be on regular film cameras. Overall though agreed most of the time it's a cheesy gimmick.
Posted by: tim romano | December 04, 2008 at 05:39 PM
Hey tim, it was mine wasnt it?
Posted by: Alex Pernice the 13 year old fly rod winner | December 04, 2008 at 06:22 PM
Don't forget, no photos that include the results of using corn for bait.
Posted by: Alex Pernice the 13 year old fly rod winner | December 04, 2008 at 06:55 PM
As for catorgories it should be something like this:
1. Grip and Grin
2. Humor/Comedy
3. Nature (lakes, streams, flats, and also birds and animals other than fish)
4. Wild card, anything goes!
To bad all my pictures would be considered grip and grin. I hate being photographed, so I don't take pictures unless I catch a larger than normal fish or get lucky and actually kill a deer or turkey.
Posted by: alabamahunter | December 04, 2008 at 09:44 PM
no grip and grins
my ideas
- fishing partners
- nature
- water
- best season
- 1 per, brook, brown, bow, cutt
- non traditional fly species
- travel/ en-route
Posted by: Ramcatt | December 04, 2008 at 10:24 PM