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November 06, 2008

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Name that Bug


What bug is this? Where did I find it? And what do you think is the single best hatch event in America? (Hint: You're looking at a real contender.)



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It looks like a mayfly, quite a few are found around the Great Lakes. These little bastards hatched during the two weeks before we went to Canada last year and the fishing was not as great as it was trips before. Catching 60 walleye a day is not nearly as fun as catching 130-150 per day.


Looks like a mayfly to me.


i'd say mayfly too, and did you find it on top of a cooler?

Mr. Creosote

Taxonomically speaking, I believe that's an example of Uglyous Sumbitchous, although around here it gets the layman's term "mayfly."

But I'm a bug generalist so I may be wrong...


Drunella sp. "Green Drake", Frying Pan, Never paid much attention to hatch events because the best one is the hatch happening closest to you. (translation) I am too broke to travel to well known hatches.


Green Drake, Frying Pan, Mothers Day

bikini hatch, the madison.


Hexagenia limbata.

When I was a kid, the hatch was referred to as the "caddis hatch" throughout N. Michigan; now it's more appropriately called the Hex hatch.

I've always maintained that fishing the Hex hatch on the best of N. Michigan's blue ribbon trout streams is one of our sport's greatest thrills.


hexagenia limbata


Hexagenia Limbata?


The background to the bug in question is definitely a boat deck, mid 80s or newer by the square raised pattern and bright white color gelcoat. I' guessing a pursuit 22-24 footer with twin 150s hanging on for dear life in the great lakes.

The bug has been pegged, but the hazards to vehicles were not yet mentioned. They come out in clouds at night and fall to the ground below the streetlights creating very dangerous slippery wet piles for unsuspecting drivers or cyclists...


man, that's one weird looking mosquito...

Mel Haag

Hexagenia, the guy from MI got it.

Chad Love

In Oklahoma we call all bugs that look remotely like that "mayflies." We're not particular down here...


may fly? is that like a june bug?

Pete Wyzykowski

Its a fish Fly, Ask anyone around Lake St Clair

Evan V

To be more specific and take a guess, Mahogany Dun?

fly fish chick

uh,I'd like to phone a friend

Fishing Jones

Green Drake, Skaneateles Lake, June, Central New York

This looks like a mayfly that hatch along the great river road along the Mississippi River and hatch in swarms large enough that they end up greasing the roadway.

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