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October 20, 2008

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Would You Trade Series Tix for Rod and Reel?


Would you do a straight-up trade if you could... one World Series ticket for a game in Philly... for a rod and reel, and guide trip? One ticket, one game... for one day, one rod, one reel, and all the BS you can handle.



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Alex Pernice the fly rod winner

Deeter you are going to get jipped on this...wallmart sells fly rods/ reels for 17.95.

Alex Pernice the fly rod winner

Plus what about air fare?


seeing as im not a real big baseball fan, I'd go for the rod and reel and guided day.


so long as the Pittsburgh Pirates weren't in said series I would.

But, see, I don't think that's even a remote possability for the next decade or so.

what I'm saying is that my schedule looks clear.



I can get you season tix for the pirates for some sharkskin line...

Jon Shope

I was under the distinct impression that when the Cubs lost, the series imploded. When did they decide to continue looking for a World (read: "pro baseball United States Only") Champion?

Matt Dunn

The chance to see the Phillies play in the World Series comes along so rarely that there is no way I'd give up my ticket. That, and my father bought it. And he wouldn't want to sit next to a stranger.

Go Phils!

(and PSU! Good Saturday of PA sports coming up here)

jake b

Whats baseball? Lets go fishing!!!

Teak Phillips

Yes. Baseball has become a boring nuisance.

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