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October 23, 2008

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Fish Porn Intervention

Are you struggling on the slippery slope of fish porn addiction? Did you not find that last "Mr. Take a Photo of Me with a 12-inch Brown" post funny?

Well, the Fly Talk Community is here to help. Here's a testimonial from a guy who suffered, alone for years before we intervened:

By the time "Russell" realized he had a problem, grip 'n grin syndrome (GNGS) had already seized control of his life. "It started simply enough, a photo with a rainbow or brown trout here and there ... but then I grew obsessed with having my picture taken with salmonids. After a while, even the big fish werent' enough. It led to cheap jewelry, role playing, making my own fish lingerie ... I'm ashamed to admit I even took photos with fish under the legal catch limit. Thanks to the guys at Fly Talk, I got my life back. I don't feel 'slimy' all the time anymore. I can even flyfish, just for the fun of it again."

We can help you too. But we can only care if you're willing to share. Please tell us your photo-mania stories.


Dr. Timmy, CFFBA


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Alex Pernice the fly rod winner

Dr. Deeter?

Evan V

Just show an addict some of the sunfish I catch and take photos of. That'll cure what ales ya.

Evan V

Let me show these addicts some of my little sunny photos, and show them how bad it can get!

jerry k

they stopped calling it fish porn in fly rod and reel, i guess some one thought it imoral but not this guy

Chad Love

Hey guys, Huggy Bear just called and he wants his hat back...

tim romano

you hear that Deeter? Huggy Bear... Ha, I think that's what I'm gonna call Deeter from now on. He might take it as a huge complement though.


fo shizzle....


Hi, I would like to get in touch with the guy who owns the BARDOLE fly rod. This rod has some interesting history. And,,, YES, It is Made In MONTANA!!!!

Chad Love

Hey Jon-Paul, that was me. Shoot me an e-mail at chad love at ugomail dot net

(obviously without the spaces...)


We now see what Deeter is going to wear on Halloween... Mardi Gras jewelry and waders - that gets the ladies. It looks good on you... Don't forget your lid...

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