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September 24, 2008

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Fishing on Your Honeymoon


Well, almost fishing... Notice the rod tube waiting to be uncapped under her arm? That's my new wife, Ellie sipping on a cold one yesterday under the Gore range just before we threw dry flies for small wild fish. It doesn't get much better than this.

Anyone else get to fish on their honeymoon?



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Joe G

I hate you....................

Joe G

I hate you....................

Joe g

Just kidding, congrats bro. Hey is that Margarita Salt by her foot or a tub of Night Crawlers? :)


We went to Belize for four days on our honeymoon and ended up fishing for three of those days. We caught bones, snook, & barracuda. We both hooked, but lost, a tarpon.

All in all it was a great way to start married life.

Evan V

Looks like fishing IS the honeymoon!
Catch a trophy to make it even more memorable!

Teak Phillips

I often say I'm glad that my wife doesn't fish, but honestly, I'm jealous of you guys who have fishin' wives. What a terrific way to spend your honeymoon. Congratulations.


Us: Lounging on a beach in South Asia; the sea in front of us teeming with fish.

Her: "You can go fishing tomorrow it you want to."

Me: "Naw, Honey, I think I'd rather just hang out with you."

She *still* gushes over that one - even though she knows I was full of crap..


Congratulations, man.
May you have a wonderful life together.


Looks like a tired new bride after alot of fishing even if she hasn't opened the rod.

Congrats Timmy!! Now get your ass back to work and hop on a plane destined for the Pacific Northwest. Wild pheasants, chukars and angry steelhead await.

p.s. You can bring the bride too...plenty of room in the boat...just have to pack less Deschutes Mirror Pond.

jerry k

whats a "CF4S" angler?


Hey Tim, Congrats on tying into a trophy like that. I just taught my girlfriend to flycast yesterday, and she shows much promise. Still has a lot to learn yet, but she is eager to learn and enjoy.

By the way (and this is for Susie), ain't that the truth....
"Looks like a tired new bride after alot of fishing even if she hasn't opened the rod."
Get some Tim. Get some. And then when you're tired, go get some from the trout.

Blue Ox

jerry k:

CF4S= Can't Fish 4 Shit.


Just make sure that you remind her that there might be some fishing trips in the future without her too.
My wife (of 22 years) and I bought property near Beleze
to build a fly fishing resort. She doesn't fish much but loves to be on the ocean.
Its great to have that to look forward to.

Sue B

Congratulations Tim. Looks like you guys picked a beautiful spot for your honeymoon! Best wishes on many more years of enjoying the best life has to offer.

Glenn and I can't stop thinking about our honeymoon bonefishing in the Bahamas this past June. I wouldn't have done it any other way. Cheers!

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