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July 22, 2008

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Funny or Stupid? Nevada Tourism Board.


"Fishing, the greatest family act in Vegas."


That's what the sign says in tiny print down below the witty headline. I kid you not. On the way back from the ICAST show in Las Vegas last friday I stumbled across this backlit billboard in the airport. Correct me if I'm wrong, but have you ever heard one of your buddies say, "well we're packing up the minivan - kids, dogs, and the boat and heading to Vegas for the weekend to fish?" Of course you haven't, because it's in the middle of the freaking desert!

Am I missing something here?



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ummm, san juan river, lee's ferry and green river are in the middle of the f'ng desert....

that's where your beloved trout fishing is headed, my friend. by way of golf, like in palm springs or whatever.

las vegas=fake tits, fake trout. what's the difference?

tim romano


You have a point, but Las Vegas? Where's the fishing there?


Fishing with the whole family is more hassle than fun


how sweet.

Capt Gordon

Google works.

tim romano

google works? not sure I follow...


i googled las vegas fly fishing and found Lake Las Vegas Resort...this is from their own website:

Beneath the clear blue waters of Lake Las Vegas flourishes a diverse population of bass, trout, bluegill, bonefish, and sunfish for the exciting sport of fly-fishing. Outdoor Source, operated by Master Guides John and Caroline Campbell, offers corporate and family fly- fishing programs and weekend fly-fishing lessons for residents and guests of Lake Las Vegas Resort.

i wonder if those trout are the same ones they stock in colorado?


i googled las vegas fly fishing and found Lake Las Vegas Resort...this is from their own website:

Beneath the clear blue waters of Lake Las Vegas flourishes a diverse population of bass, trout, bluegill, bonefish, and sunfish for the exciting sport of fly-fishing. Outdoor Source, operated by Master Guides John and Caroline Campbell, offers corporate and family fly- fishing programs and weekend fly-fishing lessons for residents and guests of Lake Las Vegas Resort.

i wonder if those trout are the same ones they stock in colorado?


I've heard trolling works quite nicely in Las Vegas.

tim romano


Any experiences trolling out there? What exactly do you use for bait...ahem a fly?

Chad Miller

I had a customer go out and hire a guide to fish L. Las Vegas. He enjoyed himself and by the way the bonefish are Carp, thats what he caught.

tim romano

yes, but did he go to las vegas specifically to fish? fishing destination - I don't think so.


yeah, didn't make sense that they mixed a saltwater fish in there.

but bonefish = carp, same difference. except caribbean saltwater flats with gin clear water, of course.

why couldn't someone go to las vegas as a fishing destination? you can market the crap out of anything.

look at the san juan river below navajo dam. what else had people done there before they manufactured that monstrosity?

Chad Miller

Anywhere there are fish to be caught it is a destination to someone, I assure you. Did my customer go out to specifically to fish? No, but he did take the time to find a guide before he went on his trip. He was very excited when he got back that he had hooked and landed a Carp. So yea it is a destination, it just isn't the Big Hole! I would just be happy Tim that anyone in any capacity was promoting fly fishing anywhere else besides western trout fisheries!

Chad Miller

Or fishing in general!!


i agree with chad that we should be promoting fishing wherever and whenever we can. any exposure is better than no exposure. but not sure about 'any capacity'. do you see the danger of this, and how fishing (for some) is turning into golf? i'm hoping that these newbies understand the context of what they are doing.

i mean, assume that the entire next generation of 'anglers' doesn't even realize that these fisheries exist (or used to exist) in a wild or natural setting.

"no big deal if we build dams or clear-cut whole sides of mountains or pollute rivers, because we can just franchise Lake Las Vegas all over the country like Chuck E. Cheese's".

tim romano

Agreed to both of you guys. I just found this pretty hilarious and really didn't think of Vegas as a fishing destination. I guess it could be though. Well put chad.

Joey, i agree there too. Promote fishing to an extent and promote it correctly. Otherwise we won't have anything left in the long run.

Chuck E. Cheeses is scary as hell by the way...


chuck e. cheese. i remember as a kid going there. one time i yanked on chuck's tail. then about 20 minutes later, some angry pimple-faced dude came and accosted me. THAT was scary. scarier than clowns.


TR - I have never been to Vegas. Ever. I have however heard a story or two from those who like to cast a rod in those parts.

Chad Miller

By any capacity I meant promote it as anyway possible. We do not need overpromtion of fisheries already taking a beating. I just had a conversation with a customer earlier today about a small trout fishery we all call Brookville. It is 2 miles of pretty good trout fishing. The problem is that it is only truly about 1 to 1.5 miles of good water. We have chosen not to promote this fishery for what we believe are ethical issues. The fishery is a one of a kind in our area and it is close to Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Louisville and not far from Columbus Ohio. Over promotion of this fisery has already occurred and it is shameful!

I had a hand in overpromoting a short stream with a good anadromous fishery. We pretty much taught everyone we could a 3 mile section of water and ruined it for a few years. I won't do that again it was shame.

Alex Pernice the fly rod winner

No wonder why joey is so well, crazy...(Fishing with corn PFFFT!)

tim romano


Here, here brother! You've brought it to our attention. Joey is nuts...for corn.


the great thing about corn is that if you don't catch fish, at least you can eat the corn!!

what, are you gonna eat hand-tied flies or earthworms????!!!

Alex Pernice the fly rod winner

ButWHEN THERE IS A CORN! shortage youre done...


if there's a corn shortage, i'll be fishing with dynamite.

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