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June 17, 2008

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Meat Fishin'


That shot of beignets and coffee in Tim's previous blog post may, in fact, be as close as Romano ever gets to "shooting his own food." But I know he catches a lot of dinner. And following an absolutely amazing Bahamas adventure, I felt obliged to show this 60-pound yellowfin Sue Cocking of the Miami Herald caught within sight of the beach near Long Island. (More on the Bahamas to come ...)


Within minutes it was sushi time on deck. No soy sauce. No wasabi. Just a couple drips of saltwater on raw tuna, and I've never had any better in my life.



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Blue Ox

Now THAT'S how sushi should be done!
Good stuff!

Evan V

Tim can catch fish?

Good tuna, though I don't like. Any fish BUT tuna.


Nice catch. I have always wanted to go fishing for tuna but still haven't gotten the chance.

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