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June 26, 2008

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Funny or Stupid?

I find Family Guy hilarious. Do you?


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Alex Pernice the fly rod winner

Yes Family guy is the best cartoon show EVER!


Yes, Family guy is good but not as good as the Simpsons.

Alex Pernice the fly rod winner

Simpsons suck.


I used to be a HUGE Simpsons fan, but in the last few years, the shows just don't seem as funny. . . Writing isn’t as sharp and the show is somewhat predictable. . .They’ve even started recycling some of their jokes.

I'm glad Family Guy came around when it did (and that FOX brought it back from extinction). It’s funny and edgy.

Evan V

4 words: I'm gonna miss her


Years ago, my youngest urged me to tune into FG. She knows me well.

Blue Ox

I'm more of a South Park fan...


I didn't like the snake catcher video. Felt sorry for the poor damn snake just out trying to make a living as a damn snake. FG is funny. First one I've seen. Maybe I'm too damn old to be "in the loop" anymore? Anyway, I like Family Guy. Funny!

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