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June 02, 2008

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Dying in A River

... is no way to go, folks. I don't know how many of you read the June issue of F&S and saw that whitewater emergency story Tim and I did. But check out this nutty wild SWIM down the Numbers Rapids on the Arkansas River from Romano's "helmet cam."

All I can say is, you don't want to see this from a real-life, personal point-of-view.

Rivers are ripping all over the West. Four people died in Colorado Rivers this last weekend. Keep it real. Wear a PFD. And never underestimate that water.



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Alabama flygirl

Hey Deeter...
I have a friend that is coming to Pagosa Springs this summer and asked me for fly fishing info. Since you are a Colorado boy, can you steer me in the direction of some outfitters?

Alex Williams

hey alabama flygirl,
where do you flyfish in alabama? i live in birmingham and go to vestavia high school but the only thing i fish for down here is bass and panfish

Alabama flygirl

Hey Alex...
We live in Florence and fish the creeks that flow into the Tennessee River for bass and panfish. Our closest trout is at Tims Ford(Elk River) in Tennessee. The Sipsey tailwater close to Jasper has trout, but they are wicked finicky!


AL Flygirl ...



Either will take good care of them.

There are other good locals too, and anyone else who has a recommendation is welcome to chime in. But these are the two I fish with when I'm down that way. Hope they have a good time. That's an awesome area. One of the last good places.

AL flygirl

Thanks Deeter! It does look like an awesome area...I was checking it out online yesterday.

Alex Williams

Thanks Alabama flygirl. i had heard that there were trout in those tailwaters but i didnt believe em

Anthony Bartkowski

Yo Fly Girl - Make sure to have them fish the downtown area of the Piedre River to warm up. The best part of Pagosa is the number of opportunities. I would recommend the hike back into the Piedre. AWESOME scenery and good fishing.


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