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June 02, 2008

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Bass Pro High Dive

After seeing this on moldychum.com and thisisfly.com I couldn't resist posting this. Granted most of us would not poach the high dive at Bass pro shops, but I have to admit I'd probably laugh pretty hard if I was in the store during this little stunt. Wonder what the fish thought?



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Evan V

Hahahaha I shoulda done that, thats the store in Pennsylvania. Theres an elevator next to those stairs also.


Very disappointing to see that posted on this website, that will only encourage more of the same! I don't find it funny or entertaining!


I find it both funny and entertaining...

Blue Ox

The fish are all like: "wtf? what's goin' on? oh sh!t!"

AL flygirl

I find it quite humorous as well....


Only person disappointed there is the person cleaning it up!

Anthony Bartkowski

The late Rodney Dangerfield would have been proud. CANNONBALL!!!


Dive was cool and all but it would take a real set to string up a rod and start fishing the tank. Triple-dog-dare!

Blue Ox

Yea! Tell 'em you're just test driving the high-dollar combo their sales guy suggested! LOL!


I guess I'm the oddball here along with otis733. I thought it was a silly, disrespectful stunt. Too bad there wasn't a big, burly security guy to hand out some spankings.

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