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Please Call Us "Pundits"
I don't want to be called an outdoor columnist or writer or editor anymore. I think I should be a "fish pundit." Same with Timmy.
I flip through the cable news programs every evening (I know, it's like a nicotine addiction), and what do I get? The same four or five news stories sandwiched among erectile dysfunction commercials. Ah, but what makes it work? Pundits. And Democratic or Republican "strategists." I think the difference between being a pundit and a strategist is that strategists have talking points and allegiances, while pundits simply talk about what they think is going down. I don't really have an agenda. I root for both fish and anglers.
Why wouldn't being a pundit work in the flyfishing sense? A guide is, after all, a tarpon or trout "strategist" ... but the real action for Tim and me would be working as pundits. "Bob's cast really sucks, but I think he might still just hook three or four blue-collar, working-class, rainbow trout today." There it is. Simple. Honest, though nobody will call you to task or hold you accountable unless you drop the F-Bomb or make a blatantly offensive slur. After all, the next news cycle starts in 12 hours! It's just like the blog! Only we keep the topics fresh ...
I wonder if there's a higher pay scale for "fish pundits." I doubt it.
Deeter - You have apparently gotten too much fresh air of late. This is almost too logical. Welcome to the outdoors again. What do you think of SPIN DOCTORS? That was the only thing you did not touch upon as we get ready to enter the final push of the presidential race.
Posted by: Anthony | May 20, 2008 at 04:44 PM
Nah, Ted Leeson once told me to screw the cap back on my head cement, and I never did. And I've been chewing on lead split shot all my life ... that explains it, moreso than fresh air. See you on the river ...
Posted by: KD | May 20, 2008 at 05:18 PM
Methinks youse onto something here...good stuff.
Posted by: Blue Ox | May 20, 2008 at 05:40 PM
Thats funny
Posted by: Mark | May 20, 2008 at 07:53 PM
Hey fellas..
I come to you by way of the Fly Fish Chick.
Pundit makes you sound wicked smart!! I like it!
Love the blog...hope you don't mind another chick hanging around!
Posted by: Alabama Flygirl | May 20, 2008 at 08:04 PM
Tell me you're from Montgomery, Alabama Flygirl, so I'll have an Angel from Montgomery and one from Texas, Flyin' Too Close to the Ground reading this blog ...
Posted by: KD | May 20, 2008 at 09:05 PM
For the purposes of this blog and not to disappoint you (because you sound so hopeful)....yes, I AM from Montgomery!! Thanks for the welcome!
Posted by: Alabama Flygirl | May 20, 2008 at 09:27 PM
I thought we fly fished because we needed to get away from pundits, poobahs, and pontificaters. You need to search deeper on this one. How about a pupaeater, a pirate a pawn and a king?
Posted by: Andy Montana | May 21, 2008 at 02:43 AM
Naw, we fish to get away from pansies, pinheads, and party poopers!
Posted by: Blue Ox | May 21, 2008 at 06:03 AM
"I root for both fish and anglers"
--- greatest line ever.
and I'd like to throw the title "consultatnt" in the mix. cha-ching!! pricetag goes up as 'Fishing Consultant'
Posted by: fly fish chick | May 21, 2008 at 12:46 PM