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January 22, 2008

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Because We Could

"Wow, check out that fish!" part 2 ... April with another mondo B.C. steelhead ...


If any of you bass boys doubt the beauty of steelhead fishing, go ahead and say so.



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ok, that looks more natural. the other photo, she had her sweater outside her waders and too much make-up.

and kirk, why does this have to be bass vs. steelhead? that's such a ridiculous comparison. how about bluefin tuna vs. steelhead?


Yeah, I agree that this one is more natural looking and less "posed" than the last one...although, they're both nice fish, and it doesn't matter to me what she wears to fish in as long as she's fishing.

But my one question is this:

Has April got a boyfriend? Dang! Talk about the best of both worlds...Hot, and a Fly fisher(Wo)man. Nice!

as moeggs

Hey that's my wife! Where did you get that pic?

Blue Ox

What lure is that? Looks like a blue grasshopper.
I guess what matters most is the fish chomped it.


Where exactly in BC and does Frontier fly direct?

Chad Love

No arguments here. Having grown up, literally, on the banks of a thousand Oklahoma farm ponds largemouth bass will always be my default fish.
However, I am under no illusions as to its fighting qualities compared to other gamefish.
I do have some angling goals before I die, and learning to fish for steelhead in some of those western rivers is one of them.
April's just a beautiful girl but man, what a fish...I have to say, and it's no knock on April, but confronted with two such lovely midlife crisis ideals in one photograph, I'm old enough and have lost just enough of my youthful lecherous nature to choose the fish.
My wife understands this. I've always warned her that I'd never leave her for the young, hot trophy girlfriend and the flashy phallic car, but she damn sure better watch out for the fish and the birds...

Blue Ox

You only live once, Chad.


are you telling chad to dump his wife?

Blue Ox

Nope. Just stating a fact.
Something to think about.

Chad Love

I think he was telling me I better start taking those trips while I still can...

Blue Ox

You got it.

another voice

They BOTH would be nice trophies.
Hey "as moeggs" , if that is your wife,
why are YOU not in the picture!!!???
Also must have been a bad night , posting your comment at 12:43 am.....

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