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December 11, 2007

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Eat Elephant Turds, Bear Grylls

I’ve decided to blame the decay of outdoors television on one man: Bear Grylls, of the Discovery Channel’s “Man vs. Wild.” For those of you who don’t know, Grylls is a Brit adventurer/special forces/survival expert who throws himself into hell holes like the Sahara desert, the Everglades, and the Australian Outback with nothing but the clothes he wears, a knife, a canteen, and his Marriott Rewards club gold card …*

Bear bills himself as the ultimate survivor, and while you, hopefully, will never find yourself hopelessly abandoned in Kenya, he shows you it is indeed possible to drink from a squeezed elephant turd. He also drinks his own pee. I was so grossed out, I tuned out, then morbid fascination prompted me to tune in three weeks later to find Bear in another bind a continent away, saying to the camera something like “uh-oh, it looks like I have to drink my pee again.”

I’m sorry, Bear, you may be a world-beater, and I’m sure you could kick my ass in a jungle fight, but I think I’m more an ultimate survivor than you. I make my coin in the outdoors, guiding and writing about fishing and hunting, and I none of what I do involves drinking from the trouser-tap.

Wanna show me survival? Endure a night of two-fers at the Stagecoach Bar in Wilson, Wyoming, and still make it to the boat launch by daybreak. Push a dory through Cemetary Rapids on the Roaring Fork during runoff. Work your way through a day of yelling “strike” to a client 3,000 times without suffering an aneurysm. Stake out on a tarpon spot off Islamorada without passing your plan by the local guides beforehand, and see where that gets you.

I get the radical approach. But don’t snow me, man. It ain’t working … at least not here.

*If you got the joke, good. If not, comment, and I’ll explain.


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Tony Fotopulos

Nasty thought,eh? However, I bet it tasts better than Coors!


Kirk are you back on the ledge looking to jump off. Did the nightmares of guide season strike you once again? You forgot to add tequilla shooters on the San Juan and sleeping in the truck.

The survival of the outdoors guide is a true breed and requires a special knack.

I have seen this crazy ass do his show. He is the MacGuyver of the outdoors. Bear we are proud that you are so damn incompetent. You may be an adrenalin junkie, but for crying out loud smack your head on a boulder to see if an ounce of common sense could get shoved into your thick ass skull. We have enough trouble with the youth who venture into the outdoors and do something dumb.

What it boils down to is that some lad in England has bar challenged Bear with a double dog dare and now he finds himself running a muck.

The real sad part is that the Discovery Channel is after ratings of a very young demographic. They are challenging the edge. This will only last until some rich kid gets mauled or seriously injured and the family takes them to court. Do they remember the infamous lawsuits of metal rockers and the subliminal messaging? Stay tuned to Court TV!

Al Keller

I'm sure his film crew are not sucking water out of turds!
It's all made up for TV. Yeah he gets sick, but get paid to
do it and it's justified. Everyone wants 15min of fame.
How will you be remembered.
Take a good backcountry skills book and read it. You
would be better off than drinking trouser tap.

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