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December 10, 2007

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Never Fly Cast Again

Okay, enough of the serious conversation. Let's all have a good laugh at the expense of Roland Martin, 19-time Bass Master Champ. Earlier this morning I was perusing thisisfly.com and came across this video. Claimed to be the most, "advanced, cutting-edge, fishing rod ever developed..." - I dare someone to pull this thing out next time you're rigging up. Can you imagine he laughs you'd get? About the only thing I can guarantee without seeing the Rocket Fishing Rod is that is was most definitely NOT made in the USA.

Happy Monday!



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Evan V

Thats been around for a while now.
Only real use for it is getting frisbees and limbs off the roof after a storm. That has no place on the water.


It's for kids. Aren't you guys taking it a little to serious?

tim Romano


Kids or not it's gimmicky and funny. While I think it could get kids involved in fishing - it's still funny. Come on, do we need to turn everything into a plastic bazooka for kids to be interested?


I'm pretty sure the NRA is behind this. They have been itching to get into the fishing market for quite some time. They finally figured out how ;)

My friend's kid had one of these. I shot it a couple of times. It was fun, but he didn't catch any fish (put and take rainbows) that day. The rest of us did pretty well using spinning rods. Probably work ok on bluegills, though. The bobber/bait holder is a little too big, and that may scare away more fish than it catches.


If you happen to have a Tivo or DVR and do a search for fishing, the infomercial will show up. I actually sat through it one night for a great big belly laugh.

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