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December 18, 2007

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Fly Rod Giveaway!

Who's Been Naughty, and Who's Been Nice?

I feel like playing Santa. I have two new G. Loomis Xperience fly rods (very sweet all-around casting sticks that retail at $285 each, both 9-ft. 5-weights), and I'm going to give them away. To two of you.

All you have to do is tell me who's been naughty, and who's been nice.

By way of your comments below, I'd like to hear about the he, she, it, organization, city, country, whatever, that has been particularly naughty in the context of flyfishing this year (not that type of naughty, guide friends ... I'm talking about a greedy land-grubber, a polluter, an idiot politico, etc.). Likewise, tell me who has been "nice" ... a conservation hero, a video maker, a teacher, etc. You might just earn yourself an extra holiday present. The rods go to the best naughty and nice comments.

Tim, Nate, and I are the judges, and we'll announce our winners before we ring in the New Year.

Happy Holidays!



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I've never met Tom Chandler and know him only through his blog, but he should get one of the rods for his grass roots campaign to stop his local gov't from trampling his river access rights. But I think he prefers bamboo:



So does this mean your guide friends are not eligible. You are actually asking us to take our minds out of the gutters. How dare you?


Everyone is eligible. Even you.


Boys - I don't have to look too far out of my backyard of Colorado Springs for this one. It is the City of Colorado Springs Waste Water Department. This is part naughty and nice.

Over the last few years, especially two years ago with all of the rain water, the sewage treatment plant would spill into Fountain Creek (feeder into Arkansas River). The city did not have any system in place to deal with this problem. They did not even consider this a problem until the officials of Pueblo, CO made a complaint to the EPA. It was recorded to have occurred several times, even after the EPA gave strong warnings to the Colorado Springs Officials.

It happened on such a frequent basis that the Pueblo Drinking water was affected. It never stated what happened to the river ecosystem, not that a description is needed.

The city had another spill earlier this year and was able to retain it with an emergency "river block" to keep it from going south - and the pun is intended. The best way to describe this is if you took 200 Boeing 737s inflatable vests and strung them together as one big life vest, this is it. I have seen this yellow fixture, and truly ask myself does it work?

It was reported that in order to fix the problem perfectly it would cost millions. Their "fix" is only a bandaid on the problem, and if there is a huge run off will the bandaid break? This is still naughty and the old mantra of trying to literally stuff 10 pounds of S&#@ into a 5 pound sack is impossible.

The nice part of Colorado Springs is the re-opening of the ponds off of I-25's Exit #132. There is a name for this area but it is just escaping me, but you can't miss it if you go east from the off-ramp.

These ponds were shut down for about 3 years as Schlage Lock dumped a bad off-production liquid into the Fountain Creek area. This area opened in April of 2007. The reason for the long wait was to make sure the chemical run-off was dissolved enough that it would not cause any harm. Perfect reason for catch and release.

These ponds are full of log-sized Carp, Bass, and Trout. It is great to see the activity return to this area. It is great to keep a fly rod rigged for an early afternoon departure to the ponds.

Night fishing is permitted, and I am not talking about Deeter's version with the daughter of the dean. Thank goodness the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band's "Fishin In The Dark."

Jonathan Lee Wright

My vote for Who's Been Nice goes to Doug and Kristine Tompkins for their conservation work in Patagonia, and specifically for the current actions surrounding the eco-political situation on the Rio Baker in Chile.

Chile's largest river, the Baker is one of the greatest remaining undammed trout rivers in the world (believe me, I've fished it....), and has been under threat of a major multiple dam construction project proposed by the Spanish energy company, Endesa (who get my vote for recieving a large lump of coal -- most of the energy produced by this dam system will be sold to Brazil and Argentina ). This project, if completed, will make the hydrological infrastructure on the Columbia look like a science fair project, with impacts on the entire ecology of the region to match.

Despite withering opposition to various projects they have completed, the Tompkins' continue to lead by example, and show the world that Americans can stand for values and vision.

For more information about the Tompkins' efforts and the various foundations they support, go here:



I know of someone who has definately been nice. Barney Hamner of Alabama taught me how to fly fish out of pure kindness. he is a retired BASS pro fisherman and met my dad when my dad was preaching at Mr. Hamner's church. after some conversation fishing arose and he says "well briing him(me at the time) and we'll take my boat out on smith Lake. Before then my idea of fishing was putting a worm or cricket on a hook and tossing it out on the lake just to watch the bobber, but he introduced me to artificail baits and fly fishing... ever since then i have bought a fly rod starting combo from bass pro shops on sale for $50. i have practiced with it didligently and have gotten much better at it then i first started. He aslso taught me how to make flies. since that day i have made approximately 20 popping bugs and 15 nymphs. since we dont have any trout in alabama so i mainly fly fish for bass or bluegill. i definately want to really go fly fishing for trout in the streams of wyoming but since our family doesnt have the greatest finances i probably wont be able to until i am off on my own. he is my fishing mentor and whenever i have a question about fly fishing or bass fishing he is always there

Evan V

Can't we just draw names out of a hat? :/


well ive got Quite a few but this is tops i had a guy walk out of the fox river with a stringer full of smallmouth bass and its
illegal to keep smallmouth bass but i went up and told him to put them back and he did!!

by the way im only 13 and have limited fishing funds so i only have a 30 dollar fly rod so i would love one like that.


sorry by that i mean the g loomis 5 wt
i dont spin fish or bait fish strict flyfishing only. i would never have the money for a rod like that so keep that in mind


Another one for Naughty is the Colorado Department of Wildlife.

Antero Reservoir - Re-opened and had massive lines for entry. Within the first couple of weeks it was just chaos. Fish being kept of all size and instances of larger takes than law permits.

The Colorado DOW changed the limit on Antero quickly to adjust for the over fishing it received - You are probably thinking NICE - The reduced creel limit was only until NOVEMBER 1.

I just got off the phone with a buddy who said there were about 300 ice fishing over the weekend and the reduced creel size is now over so people can now keep up to 4 fish again.

Give an inch, people will take it for all it is worth. It appears Antero is bound to be decimated again. So much for trophy trout in the Spring. Antero will soon have the same problems of Spinney Mountain Reservoir.


t winds through our capital city of Boise, Idaho deemed The Atlanta Gold Project by locals. This company from Canada but owned by Japanese investors has been trying to silently get this project started to put it a huge heap leach pad (none of these have ever been free from environmental hazards during or after projects) leaving the local, state, and federal agencies to handle the future problems that always plague these mining practices.


My nice goes to the Fly Fishers of Idaho from Boise Idaho for their exposure and very vocal objections to the Atlanta Gold Project. This club is not only a example of what a Conservation and Education activities should be like but donates time and monies to local and area projects that benefits all those who live and visit this area. The work with local Big Brothers/Big Sisters, kids outdoors clubs, volunteer for the Fish and Game Dept., Forest Service, Casting for Recovery, and other community activities. They don't armchair quarterback local and regional issues they get involved.


my naughty goes to the gold mine project that will be located at the mountain based headwaters of the Boise River that winds through our capital city of Boise, Idaho deemed The Atlanta Gold Project by locals. This company from Canada but owned by Japanese investors has been trying to silently get this project started to put it a huge heap leach pad (none of these have ever been free from environmental hazards during or after projects) leaving the local, state, and federal agencies to handle the future problems that always plague these mining practices.


Keep it going all ... Alex, we hear you ... you are a strong contender. KD

Chad Miller

I vote for Alex!!! Anyone willing to stand up for God's fish, the Smallmouth Bass, deserves a proper rod to pursue them!!! No one is going to top that.


I would like to thank all the people
that are supporting me
i just want my home water to be fun for all who fishit


aslo not to be filling up all the space but my name is alex pernice sorry
but the outher alex talking about barney hamner i am the on that saved the smallmouth bass from being maid into food.



David Leinweber

My vote for nice is Pete Gallagher
He severed as a biologist for the US Forest Service for a number of years and passed up promotions to stay with the South Platte. He started the “Trees for Trout” project and has won several key grants that have contributed greatly to the increase habitat for trout in our area. He lost his job at the USFS fighting for what he believes in. He currently works independently for the USFS and DOW with his new business called FIN-UP Habitat Consultants, Inc.

He rarely takes credit for the countless hours he has put into stream restoration. In 2003 the American Fisheries Society awarded him the “Max Rollefson Stream Habitat Award.” for his contributions. As he puts it, his interests are restoration, squeezin fish, sinking sailboats and annoying bureaucrats

Front Range fishery would not be what they are today if it was not for the efforts of Pete Gallagher. If you talk to any biologist in the region Pete’s name would be on the list.

Stephen King

My canidate for nice goes to my wife, who suggested that I buy my nine year old grandson his own fly rod. I started teaching him to fly fish last spring, and once he caught his first largemouth on mine I seldom got to use it. At least untill he woould lose interest and start exploring. His dad left them over a year ago so he needed lots of Papa time. Cut into my fishing some but I figured he needed my time more then I needed to fish.

John Mazurkiewicz

KD -
If Alex doesn't win - I have some goods on Santa, so he owes me one - I just might be able to get him to bring a nice G.Loomis rod to Alex - he wants a 5 weight, correct?

The Polish Elf!

Wayne Dothage

My naughty is a very visible minority of Missouri's citizens who routinely trash our streets and highways. I see trucks driving down the freeway with fast food cups, napkins and bags blowing out of the bed. I've traveled all over this country and I think Missouri has the trashiest highways. CLEAN IT UP!

My nice is the Missouri Department of Conservation. I truly believe this is the best conservation department in the country. They not only monitor and control the populations of game animals, they work with private and public land owners to maintain their land for non-game species and plant diversity. They have definitely convinced the public that our forests, fish and wildlife are worth protecting. Now, if only they could convince the public to stop littering.......

John Caffey

All I have is the nice, I have just been bitten by the fly bug I don't even own a rod. So i went to my local Gander Mountain and found out that they have a fly fishing club and visited their meeting. One of the members took me aside told me about rods then put his together and took me out side for a free 2 hr lesson on how to use a fly rod. After the lesson I was invited back for future meeting and was told I could call anytime I had a question or wanted to tag along on a trip.If you want to promote your sport that is the way to do it. If I ever do get anice rod I plan to do the same with my Son

Richard G

I live in Troy, NC which is located squarely in the middle of Uhwarrie National Forest. The good ole boys around here have a very bad habit of putting "Posted - No Trespassing" signs up on National Forest land. Unless you're familiar with the area and/or have a good current map with you,you can be fooled into thinking this sweet land is completely off limits for you to fish, hunt, camp, hike or just enjoy. The limited number of Rangers (I think we have 2) can not keep up with the fools and it really pisses me off. Unless you catch them in the act, there's no way to stop it. I am certain that this happens elsewhere too. So everytime I go fishing in the NC mountains, I take along my maps, just to make sure the signs are bogus.

marie  roberts

Hi, I have a 13 year old son who has been raised by his mother. He does not get to see his father but 1 or 2 times a year. This past year his father has tried to make amends with my son and to see him more often. His father loves to fly fish and my son would love to learn and i thought this would be a wonderful conversation piece for the two as they father-son bond. My son has not gotten to enjoy all the outdoors activities because i do not know a whole lot about them myself and i would love for him to explore all the things he has been missing out on. THANK YOU.

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