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December 04, 2007

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Fly Fishing Film Tour 2008

Lets face it, it's December and unless you live in the southern hemisphere whatever fishing you're into is probably not so hot. I guess there's plenty of ice fishing out there...
When you get sick of your tip-ups and foul smelling ice shanty check out www.flyfishingfilmtour.com The guys at AEG Media in conjunction with a ton of great sponsors are bringing the tour to a city near you this winter. The tour will hit 70 cities and if it's anything like last year should prove to be unlike any fishing entertainment that you've ever seen. The clip below should give you a good idea of what is in store should you attend. Click here for times and dates. The tour kicks off January 31st, in Ventura, California.



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Jonathan Lee Wright

Ohhhh, yeah! What a vision!

These guys have done a great job on reinventing the genre. The creativity in both shooting, and especially the editing, make this series something that will appeal to the new generation of Young Turks out there.

Must see filmmaking!

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