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December 19, 2007

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Feeding Trout Gorge on Bug Buffet

This video speaks for itself. Simply amazing.

Video by Joey Lin + Music by the Meat Puppets = cool video

For more of Joey's work see Faroutfishingtrips.


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wow did he catch any of them

Evan V

Urge to fish rising...
What kinda hatch was that? It was insane.


sadly, i didn't catch any of them, as we were on a tour of the region, but i've fished this particular river many times, and let me say that in early season (which it was at the time), these would have been easy to catch. well, one of them at least until the whole lot of them spooked.

they were eating mayfly spinners that were collecting in the foam.

this was 10 minutes of footage quickly edited down. they were doing this ALL DAY LONG. man, northern patagonia is great...


I think I just popped a chubby.


Incredible footage, I need to go fishing..

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